Topic: - on October 3, 2002 at 5:15:10 PM CEST
Just Say No To .DOC or JSNTD!
Yup. An idea. Or JSNTD! "Just Say No To .DOC" If you think about Microsoft Office, the single most dangerous application, without question, is Microsoft Word. Here's why:
Word documents are passed around as frequently as air in most companies Word documents can contain macro viruses Word .DOC documents are unbelievably proprietary at the file format level. I know this because a company I used to own wrote our own .DOC reader in pascal (don't ask) and then C++. We spent tens of thousands to decipher the arcane nature of Word "sprms" (sperms). And, yes, we had the official Microsoft docs. And, yes, they're wrong. And, at the end of all of it, we had this horrible code base that had been hacked on and special cased beyond belief (although there is something to be said for the "elegance" of a 5,400+ line switch statement).

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