Tuesday, 15. May 2007

Pirate Bay plundered by hackers

Buccaneering BitTorrent source The Pirate Bay has been hacked and a copy of its user database stolen, the site admitted.

The Swedish outfit copped to the data breach in its blog, which ironically was the site of the vulnerability. It said:

They have got a copy of the user database. That is, your username and passwords. But, the passwords are stored encrypted, so it's not a big deal, but it's still very sad that it's out there. All emails are for instance encrypted as well, they will most likely not be able to decrypt them either (they are very encrypted)

We encourage all our users to change passwords as soon as possible - and if you have the same password on the bay as other places, you should update them as well.

theregister.co.uk securityfocus.comthepiratebay.org

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