Thursday, 12. September 2002

WHAT is Communistic or Subversive?

The FBI has at least 5 files that contain information about MAD magazine. File 43-13592 is information concerning unauthorized use of the Bureau's name, file 62-55169 contains letters from citizens enclosing copies of comic strips with sensitive, derogatory or not appropriate for reading by children, etc., and file 62-106572 contains letters from citizens about MAD. The other two are 62-0-58624 and 62-0-59876. The FBI refers to their files as "bufiles" which is short for Bureau Files. Some point after January 1961 the FBI reclassified their other files with MAD information to bufile 62-106572. If the FBI sent a letter back to the individual it was referred to as a "bulet" which is a Bureau Letter.

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