Topic: MUSIK - on August 30, 2002 at 2:11:48 AM CEST
RIAA against music sharing? Not anymore! RIAA to sue music sharers? Not Anymore
With the legal file sharing service kazaa still online, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) today announced that it intends to offer the latest albums for download from As you are probably aware, the RIAA has been pursuing a policy of preventing this activity in recent months We have recently become aware that this approach is yielding only limited results and in some cases may in fact be harming sales and the artists' revenue stream. The RIAA wishes to apologise for the heavy-handed manner in which the popular chinese site Listen4Ever was closed down, and would like to present the following items for free download as a token of its goodwill. Of course the list is relatively small, but please be patient - we expect to offer over 300 next week. We also intend to offer pre-released movies in the coming months. If what you want isn't on the list, then please try Kazaa Lite -

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