Topic: SECURITY - on July 12, 2016 at 4:48:00 PM CEST
Two Factor Auth (2FA)
List of websites and whether or not they support 2FA.
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Topic: PHOTO - on July 12, 2016 at 4:44:00 PM CEST
GoPro Evolution: A Teardown Through the Ages - Part 2
Our third and final family member is a relative newcomer to the scene. The Hero4 Session is just under a year old—you can tell because it’s 50% smaller and 40% lighter than a full-grown GoPro. All kidding aside, compactness is one of its major selling points—that and the fact that it is supposedly waterproof to 30 feet without an additional waterproofing case. Makes one wonder if it might be hard to break into…
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Topic: AUSTRIA - on July 12, 2016 at 4:41:00 PM CEST
Fotos aus Wiener Kneipen
One of my customers knows his brain is shrinking from all his boozing, but that doesn’t stop him. And to be honest, if I was him, maybe I wouldn’t stop either. He’s divorced, he’s got two children he never sees, the state’s cheated him out of his sickness benefits after an accident he had at work and he’s a man without a country. He’s frustrated. And on top of that, he’s not the brightest and a severe alcoholic. But still, he’s a nice guy. He doesn’t have much money. He drinks cheap rotgut at home, then comes down here to talk crap. You can see the damage he’s done to himself by the way he rolls his eyes and in his funny walk. Even after just one or two beers, he can’t stand up straight. But that doesn’t make him stop drinking. It’s his choice. (Heinz, Manuela’s Pub)
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Topic: STRANGE - on July 12, 2016 at 4:37:00 PM CEST
48 Hours on the Dark Side of Las Vegas
Penthouse orgies fueled by pill-pushing hotel employees. A drug house stocked with sex slaves. Hidden homeless encampments underneath the casinos. A shockingly personal investigation shows the real Sin City is even seedier than you imagined.
There is a tension in the crowd, a sizzling silence as words and cheers cut short and all eyes focus on the same point, everyone holding their breath, every jaw and fist clenched like in the final moments before a fight, as if everyone is about to explode at once. More people are huddling around the table now, closer to the action, pushing against one another until there are no distinct bodies anymore but rather a single compacted entity made of suits and cleavages and spilled glasses, a wordless human volcano ready to erupt under the wary watch of the floor muscle, the entire casino going silent as the wheel spins and spins and spins. “Black eleven,” the croupier announces as the ball stops in a jolt. And the volcano goes off. A deafening cry of victory immediately surges from the crowd’s collective throat. Strangers shout at the top of their lungs until their lungs are shut out of air. You can feel the heat being released like lava and undulating over the cheering people. You can feel it in the timeless night – or is it day? – and in the vodka-infused breaths, as heads go lighter when the chips totaling more than $250,000 get counted and pushed toward the winner. “Vegas, baby!” someone yells.
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Topic: BOARD NEWS - on July 12, 2016 at 12:40:00 AM CEST
Gülleschieber vergessen - Ganzes Dorf mit Gülle eingesprüht
Im belgischen Ort Glabbeek hat ein Landwirt versehentlich den Schieber vom Güllefass geöffnet und Hausfassaden, Vorgärten, Autos und Gräber auf einer Strecke von sechs Kilometern verunreinigt.
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Topic: POLICE REPORT - on July 11, 2016 at 3:29:00 PM CEST
Woman captured silently confronting heavily-armed Baton Rouge police in powerful photographs is a 28-year-old mom and nurse who spent 24 hours in jail for her 'crime'
It is the photo seen around the world: A young woman in a flowing dress standing with her arms crossed facing down a line of heavily armed police while two armored officers rush forward to put her in handcuffs. Now can exclusively reveal the woman to be Ieshia Evans, 28, a mother and licensed practical nurse from New York, who was attending her first protest when she was arrested. Natasha Haynes said Evans, a lifelong friend, traveled to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, following the shooting of Alton Sterling because she 'wanted a better future for her five-year-old son'.
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Topic: POLITIK - on July 11, 2016 at 2:25:00 PM CEST
Andrea Leadsom quits Conservative leadership race
Andrea Leadsom has pulled out of the contest to become the next Conservative Party leader and UK PM - with Theresa May now set to succeed David Cameron. Mrs Leadsom said she did not believe she had sufficient support to lead a "strong and stable government". She also said a nine-week leadership campaign at such a "critical time" for the UK would be "highly undesirable".
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Topic: POLITIK - on July 11, 2016 at 1:21:00 PM CEST
Britische Tories: May-Konkurrentin Leadsom gibt offenbar auf
Im Wettbewerb um die Nachfolge des britischen Premierministers David Cameron gibt die Bewerberin Andrea Leadsom einem BBC-Journalisten zufolge auf.
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Topic: POLITIK - on July 11, 2016 at 1:19:00 PM CEST
Andrea Leadsom’s Campaign to Lead Britain Might Foster Fear of Islam, Leak Suggests
The race to be the next leader of Britain’s ruling Conservative Party, and hence prime minister of the United Kingdom, was whittled down to two candidates on Thursday: Theresa May, the home secretary, and Andrea Leadsom, deputy energy minister. As the two lawmakers with the most support from their colleagues, they will now spend the next two months trying to win the votes of the party’s members, a small and deeply unrepresentative portion of the British electorate thought to number less than 150,000. (By comparison, more than 33.5 million people voted in last month’s referendum on Britain’s membership in the European Union.)
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Topic: SECURITY - on July 11, 2016 at 1:17:00 PM CEST
BND-Spionage unter Freunden: Dutzende Regierungsstellen im Visier
Kanzlerin Merkel hatte 2013 gesagt: "Ausspähen unter Freunden – das geht gar nicht." Dann wurde klar: Das geht doch. Kontrolleure des Bundestags haben nun ein Fazit gezogen und das birgt gehörig Sprengstoff. In der BND-Affäre um Spionage unter Freunden sind neue Details über den Umfang der bis Oktober 2013 laufenden Aktionen bekannt geworden. Nach einer der dpa vorliegenden Bewertung des Bundestagsgremiums zur Kontrolle der Geheimdienste (PKGr) wurde "eine niedrige zweistellige Zahl von Teilnehmern" abgehört, die Regierungen von EU- oder Nato-Ländern zuzuordnen sind. Darunter sind Staats- oder Regierungschefs und Minister, deren Umfeld – also der Amtssitz, der Stab oder das Büro – sowie militärische Einrichtungen. Es gehe um "mehrere Dutzend" solcher Fälle, erfuhr die dpa.
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Topic: SECURITY - on July 11, 2016 at 1:16:00 PM CEST
Do You Own Your Own Fingerprints?
An obscure law could lead to broader limits on biometrics. These days, many of us regularly feed pieces of ourselves into machines for convenience and security. Our fingerprints unlock our smartphones, and companies are experimenting with more novel biometric markers—voice, heartbeat, grip—as ID for banking and other transactions. But there are almost no laws in place to control how companies use such information. Nor is it clear what rights people have to protect scans of their retinas or the contours of their face from cataloging by the private sector.
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Topic: EU - on July 11, 2016 at 1:12:00 PM CEST
The Italian job - Italy’s teetering banks will be Europe’s next crisis
INVESTORS around the world are extraordinarily nervous. Yields on ten-year Treasuries fell to their lowest-ever level this week; buyers of 50-year Swiss government bonds are prepared to accept a negative yield. Some of the disquiet stems from Britain’s decision to hurl itself into the unknown. The pound, which hit a 31-year low against the dollar on July 6th, has yet to find a floor; several British commercial-property funds have suspended redemptions as the value of their assets tumbles. But the Brexit vote does not explain all the current unease. Another, potentially more dangerous, financial menace looms on the other side of the Channel—as Italy’s wobbly lenders teeter on the brink of a banking crisis.
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