Monday, 25. July 2016

How Putin Weaponized Wikileaks to Influence the Election of an American President

Evidence suggests that a Russian intelligence group was the source of the most recent Wikileaks intel dump, which was aimed to influence the U.S. election. Close your eyes and imagine that a hacking group backed by Russian President Vladimir Putin broke into the email system of a major U.S. political party. The group stole thousands of sensitive messages and then published them through an obliging third party in a way that was strategically timed to influence the United States presidential election. Now open your eyes, because that’s what just happened. On Friday, Wikileaks published 20,000 emails stolen from the Democratic National Committee. They reveal, among other things, thuggish infighting, a push by a top DNC official to use Bernie Sanders’ religious convictions against him in the South, and attempts to strong-arm media outlets. In other words, they reveal the Washington campaign monster for what it is.

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Iran destroys 100,000 satellite dishes and receivers

Iran destroyed 100,000 satellite dishes and receivers on Sunday as part of a crackdown against the illegal devices that authorities say are morally damaging. The destruction of the dishes and receivers took place in Tehran in the presence of General Mohammad Reza Naghdi, head of Iran’s Basij militia. "The truth is that most satellite [television] channels ... deviate the society’s morality and culture," he said, according to the Basij News website. "What these televisions really achieve is increased divorce, addiction and insecurity in society."

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Sunday, 24. July 2016

Penis auf Rücken tätowiert

Ein 21-jähriger St. Pöltner verunstaltete eine gleichaltrige Bekannte. Mit ihr brach er auch im Stadion ein. Nun muss er in eine Anstalt für geistig abnorme Rechtsbrecher. Eine der ihm zur Last gelegten Körperverletzungen ist dauerhaft: Einer gleichaltrigen St. Pöltnerin hat er einen Penis und das Wort „Fuck“ auf den Rücken tätowiert. Nachdem der Angeklagte auf seiner damaligen Lebensgefährtin seinen Namen verewigt hatte, hatte sich das Opfer ein Yin-und-Yang-Zeichen gewünscht. Das zeichnete der St. Pöltner auch sorgfältig auf ihrem Rücken vor und zeigte ihr ein Foto zur Bestätigung. An die Vorlage hielt er sich dann aber nicht. „Am nächsten Tag, als er das Tattoo ausbessern sollte, fügt er noch ,Pascal‘ und etwas Gekritzel dazu“, berichtete eine Zeugin.

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"Selten so ein hässliches und dummes Stück Fleisch gesehn!"

"Sie haben einen Freund von mir angegriffen: Odin Wiesinger", sagte der erneute Präsidentschaftskandidat der FPÖ, Norbert Hofer, in einer Rede. "Einen hervorragenden Künstler ... Und wir alle werden Odin Wiesinger, diesen tollen Künstler, niemals und nicht im Stich lassen!" Zuvor war Hofer in einigen Medien auf den Künstler angesprochen worden.

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The Ninebot by Segway miniPRO

The Ninebot by Segway miniPRO is a self-balancing scooter that is a powerful cross between the larger original Segway models and the compact hoverboards that have become increasingly popular recently. The miniPRO replaced the original Segway’s large handlebars with a sleeker control bar held between the knees, and its large air-filled wheels allow for smoother rides than other hoverboards.

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Medical Marijuana States See Big Drop in Drug Prescriptions and Medicare Spending

Recent findings may show that medical marijuana not only saves state and federal governments millions on Medicare, but it may help curb prescription drug use too. A new study reports that in states where medical marijuana is available prescriptions for painkillers has dipped drastically.

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LOL Colorado tap water spiked with THC

The tests found something fishy in the water. In the small town of Hugo, Colo., the water coursing through public pipes, officials say, has been tainted by THC. THC, as you may know, is the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. On Thursday afternoon, authorities notified the town of about 800 people that the water should not be drunk, used to cook with or even to bathe. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment later downgraded the warning — it was safe to shower, brush teeth and do laundry with the tap water. Ingestion remained inadvisable.

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Friday, 22. July 2016

JonStewart Takes Over ColbertLateShow's Desk - what we've all been waiting for!

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WSJ Reporter: Homeland Security Tried to Take My Phones at the Border

On Thursday, a Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reporter claimed that the Department of Homeland Security demanded access to her mobile phones when she was crossing the border at the Los Angeles airport. The case highlights the powers that border agents purport to have, and how vulnerable sensitive information can be when taken through airports in particular. “I wanted to share a troubling experience I had with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), in the hopes it may help you protect your private information,” Maria Abi-Habib, a WSJ journalist focused on ISIS and Al Qaeda wrote in a post on Facebook. (Abi-Habib confirmed to Motherboard that the Facebook account was hers, but declined to comment further.)

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Thiel für Trump: Rede von Paypal-Mitgründer schockt Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley-Investor und "Arbeitsgeber" von Laura Rudas bekennt sich offen zu Trump Peter Thiel ist für seine politischen Ansichten berüchtigt: Schon 2009 schrieb er, dass seiner Meinung nach Freiheit und Demokratie nicht kompatibel seien. Außerdem beschwerte er sich über den Sozialstaat, die Übernahme der USA durch "Hippies" und US-Universitäten wie Harvard und Stanford, die er mit der "katholischen Kirche im Jahr 1514" verglich. Zuletzt sorgte Thiel für Aufsehen, indem er das umstrittene Medienportal Gawker an den Rande des Ruins brachte. Thiel hatte Ex-Wrestler Hulk Hogans Prozess gegen Gawker finanziert.

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Forget Trump: Peter Thiel Is So Dangerous and Fascinating

Tonight, Peter Thiel, an openly gay immigrant hailing from San Francisco, will address the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. His speech will close out the coronation of Donald Trump as the nominee claof his party, which three days earlier finalized a platform affirming the definition of marriage as “between one man and one woman.” Thiel may seem an unlikely warm-up act for a raving nativist like Trump. But the pair are actually an impeccable ideological tag-team. In fact, Thiel outmatches Trump both in the preposterousness of his capitalistic ambition and in the sheer pathology of his political inconsistency. Peter Thiel thinks he’s a Trump supporter. But really he’s Trump’s enemy.

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In "Pokémon Go" vertieft, Joint in der Hand, Polizei übersehen

Kurioser Vorfall in München – Spieler bat Polizei, Pokémon-Arena noch einnehmen zu dürfen Eines ist mittlerweile klar: "Pokémon Go" macht viele Menschen süchtig – und sorgt dafür, dass sie ihre Umwelt nur mehr nach Gesichtspunkten der Monsterjagd wahrnehmen. In München hat das nun für einen besonders kuriosen Vorfall gesorgt. Ein Spieler, der offenbar gerade einen Marihuana-Joint rauchte, übersah dank "Pokémon Go" eine Polizeistreife und wurde prompt angezeigt.

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