Sunday, 31. July 2016

Marijuana Snake Oil: Six Marijuana Scams To Avoid

As a cannabis business attorney, I see and hear more than my share of kooky and downright bad business pitches. Bad business ideas are one thing, but total scams and rip-offs are another. Unfortunately, like any new and high growth industry with complicated and constantly changing rules and regulations, the marijuana industry is chalk full of scammers and con artists.

The following six marijuana scams are the ones I am seeing most often of late.

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Saturday, 30. July 2016

Wie der typische Cannabis-Konsument tickt und kauft

Der US-Markt für legale Marihuana-Produkte floriert. Der typische Konsument ist überwiegend männlich, Frauen nehmen lieber Cookies als Gras Wien – In den USA gibt es eine bekanntlich eine zunehmende Akzeptanz für die medizinische Nutzung von Marihuana. Außerdem ist der Konsum von Marihuana als Freizeitdroge in den Bundesstaaten Colorado, Alaska und Washington mittlerweile legal. Im Herbst stimmen auch die Wähler im bevölkerungsreichsten Bundesstaat Kalifornien über eine entsprechende Gesetzesänderung ab.

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Snowden vs Assange

What’s gotten into Edward Snowden? The National Security Agency leaker is criticizing his fellow disseminaters of classified information at WikiLeaks, tweeting that “their hostility to even modest curation is a mistake” and suggesting that some truly damaging material shouldn’t be leaked indiscriminately to the public. Given Snowden’s past collaboration with the group, his words are being treated as surprising by some in the press — evidence of dissension within the largely unified ranks of international transparency crusaders. “Even Edward Snowden disagrees with WikiLeaks,” marvels Fast Company. “Is WikiLeaks alienating its friends,” asks Bloomberg, calling the former NSA contractor “a natural ally … if there’s ever been one.”

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Wild Turkey With H-Bombs: Failed Coup Heightens Calls for

An explosive cocktail of political instability mixed with 90 U.S. H-bombs raises the specter of accidental or suicidal nuclear detonation in or near Turkey. This risk was brought into sharp relief by the attempted military coup there in mid-July. In June, I warned that the Pentagon’s 180 thermonuclear B61 gravity bombs deployed across Europe – 50 to 90 are at Incirlik Air Force Base in Turkey – are too dangerous deploy in the age of terrorism. Turkey’s B61s are 100 miles from Islamic State territory, a war zone. Now the Los Angeles Times, the Japan Times, Foreign Policy, the San Antonio Express News and other major papers see the Pentagon’s outsourced B61s in Turkey as a hot topic.

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Austria can benefit from Big Data solutions

Big Data solutions can contribute significantly to Austrian public administrations, a working group concludes in a report published in June. Benefits include improved quality of life, finding optimal business locations, and offering better guidance to citizens. The report by the Big Data working group aims to help public administration when considering Big Data solutions, providing legal, economic and technical context.

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Terry Jones Talks About Playing the Enormous Mr. Creosote in Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life

The online film series “Eyes on Cinema” posted a really wonderful 1983 interview in which Terry Jones spoke in detail about the manner in which make-up artist Chris Tucker turned him into morbidly obese Mr. Creosote in the rather hilariously disturbing “Part VI: Autumn Years” segment of iconic Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life. Achtung Canvas-Fingerprinting

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Who Buys Legal Weed?

Marijuana pop culture has traditionally centered around the young male smoker and his high times. But the legalization movement has made marijuana more accessible than ever been before, and cannabis’s application as a painkiller is particularly appealing to senior citizens. So what does the typical, recreational marijuana user look like today? And how do the preferences and spending habits of groups like young men and senior citizens differ?

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Friday, 29. July 2016

The FDA says it’s ok to drink weed

First marijuana pills, now a drink: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have approved the liquid version of dronabinol, which is essentially a man-made version of the substance's main ingredient tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). And now that THC is available in pill and liquid form, some are hoping that we're finally on our way toward universal medical marijuana use.

Per the FDA's approval earlier this month, Syndros is classified under the Controlled Substances Act as Schedule III, indicating accepted medical use and low to moderate potential for abuse, likely because it won’t give users the same high as the plant form. Still, it could help people suffering from a variety of chronic ailments, like cancer and multiple sclerosis, to experience some (legal) relief. Achtung Canvas-Fingerprinting

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15 Todestag Wau Hollands: Holt Euch die Informationen

Vor 15 Jahren starb Wau Holland, Mitgründer des Chaos Computer Clubs und erster Redakteur der "Datenschleuder", im Alter von 49 Jahren. Sein Begriff der Informationsfreiheit ist noch heute aktuell. Als Wau Holland 2001 starb, war es für viele Hacker so, als würden sie ihren Vater verlieren. Beim Camp Hacking at Large liefen die Tränen und auch die Foren von heise online waren voll der Trauer. Denkt man von heute aus an den CCC-Mitgründer zurück, so kommt unweigerlich ein weiterer historischer Gedenktag hinzu: Vor 30 Jahren, im Herbst 1986, übergab eine "Beratungsteam Hamburger GbR" benannte Firma der jungen Bundestagsfraktion der Grünen ein Strategiepapier mit dem "Entwurf einer sozialverträglichen Gestaltungsaltemative für den geplanten Computereinsatz". Dieser Text des jungen Chaos Computer Clubs zur "Wühl-Periode" der Grünen wimmelt von Formulierungen, für die Wau Holland verantwortlich war.

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FBI's Mass Hack Hit 50 Computers in Austria

In early 2015, the FBI embarked on a massive hacking campaign, delivering malware to thousands of criminal suspects who visited a dark web child porn site. The operation was known to affect over a thousand computers in the US, and to reach as far afield as Chile and Greece. Now, it has emerged that the FBI also compromised 50 computers based in Austria, with activists warning of the FBI’s expanding extraterritorial reach when it comes to hacking. The FBI’s “Operation Pacifier” campaign centred around a dark web site called Playpen. The FBI briefly took over the site, and sent a network investigative technique (NIT)—the agency's general term for a piece of malware—to visitors of certain child pornography-related threads. That malware grabbed suspects’ IP addresses, MAC addresses, and other technical information.

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Disney Wants to Track Park Visitors By Secretly Photographing Their Shoes Like a Creep

With millions of tourists visiting its theme parks around the world each year, it makes sense that Disney would want to track how visitors move about its attractions to help minimize lines and crowds and also to provide a unique experience for each guest. But does it have to sound so incredibly creepy?

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Wikileaks' dump of "Erdogan emails" turn out to be public mailing list archives

Earlier this month, Wikileaks published a database of six years' of email from APK, Turkey's ruling party -- but as outside experts have plumbed that database, all they can find is archives from public mailing lists, old spam, and some sensitive personal information from private citizens. This was just one of Wikileaks' recent missteps on Turkey. The organization also tweeted links to spreadsheets uploaded by national security blogger Michael Best, purported to contain further inside information on APK, but which were actually voter information on all of the women registered to vote in 78 out of Turkey's 81 provinces. (Best acquired these spreadsheets from Phineas Fisher, a well-known hacker whose accomplishments include raiding and dumping the private files and email of cyber-arms-dealer Hacking Team). Achtung Canvas-Fingerprinting

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