Thursday, 18. August 2016

Where does all that Colorado pot tax go?

Colorado is pulling in a significant amount of money by taxing recreational marijuana, but it’s not enough to pave the streets in gold. In part because supporters of legal pot hyped the potential to raise millions, some Coloradans have been left to wonder why all that money hasn’t revolutionized life in our state.

$30.00 – 1/8 oz marijuana $3.00 – 10% special state sales tax $0.87 – 2.9% regular state sales tax $1.43 – 4.75% regular Denver sales tax (including RTD/SCFD tax) $1.05 – 3.5% special Denver sales tax

$36.35 – GRAND TOTAL


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‘Shadow Brokers’ Claim to be Selling NSA Malware, in What Could Be Historic Hack

A mysterious online group calling itself “The Shadow Brokers” is claiming to have penetrated the National Security Agency, stolen some of its malware, and is auctioning off the files to the highest bidder. The authenticity of the files cannot be confirmed but appear to be legitimate, according to security researchers who have studied their content. Their release comes on the heels of a series of disclosures of emails and documents belonging mostly to Democratic officials, but also to Republicans. Security researchers believe those breaches were perpetrated by agents thought to be acting on behalf of Moscow. Equation Group - Cyber Weapons Auction Shadow Brokers: NSA Exploits of the Week Hackers Say They Hacked NSA-Linked Group, Want 1 Million Bitcoins to Share More Hackers Claim to Auction Data They Stole From NSA-Linked Spies Shadow Brokers Group Auctions Off Supposed NSA Hacking Tool NSA HACKED!!! Multiple Hacking Tools And Exploits Leaked Online

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Tuesday, 16. August 2016

WikiLeaks Published a Bunch of Malware Together with the Turkey AKP Emails

The WikiLeaks dump of emails stolen from the server of AKP, Turkey's ruling party, contains hundreds of links to downloadable malware, Bulgarian security researcher Vesselin Bontchev has discovered. The researcher, who works at the National Laboratory of Computer Virology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Sofia, Bulgaria, has created a script that parsed the WikiLeaks AKP email data dump for links and sent them for scanning via VirusTotal's API. Bontchev initially discovered around 80 links pointing to malware downloads, which he presented in a report he later amended and now lists 323 samples.

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Monty Pythons Argument-Clinic auf 2 alten Speech Synthesizern

Michael Palin is played by the Dectalk Express (Perfect Paul modified to sound more like Stephen Hawking)

John Cleese is played by the Intex Talker (Votrax SC-01A)


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TV-Physiker Lesch Ziel von AfD-Hassmails

Harald Lesch zerpflückte die Thesen der AfD über Klimawandel und wurde Opfer eines Shitstorms München – Fragen wie "Wie entsteht etwas aus dem Nichts"? oder "Gibt es Zufall?" beantwortet Harald Lesch mit den Lösungsangeboten der Natur- und Kulturwissenschaft. Nachdem der TV-Physiker in einem Video der ZDF-Reihe "Terra X" Aussagen der AfD zum Klimawandel auseinandernahm, erhielt er laut "sehr hässliche Hassmails". Und diese unterzieht er in einem zweiten Video einer ebenso gründlichen Analyse. Lesch prüfte "das AfD-Programm wissenschaftlich". Sachlich geht er den Aussagen über den Klimawandel auf den Grund und entlarvt sie größtenteils als Humbug.

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What Is Phase Change Memory? Why Is It 1,000 Times Faster Than RAM?

The researchers are working hard to create new means to store data. PCM, about 1,000 times faster than RAM, is one such effort that’s being extensively developed by researchers and tech giants. Recent developments by Stanford and IBM are expected to make PCM research more mainstream.

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Monday, 15. August 2016

Secure Boot snafu: Microsoft leaks backdoor key, firmware flung wide open

Updated, August 12: Microsoft has now responded to the Secure Boot blooper. The company said: "The jailbreak technique described in the researchers’ report on August 10 does not apply to desktop or enterprise PC systems. It requires physical access and administrator rights to ARM and RT devices and does not compromise encryption protections."

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NASA Systems Engineering Handbook

Since its founding, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has been dedicated to the ad- vancement of aeronautics and space science. The NASA Scientific and Technical Information (STI) program plays a key part in helping NASA maintain this impor- tant role. The NASA STI program operates under the auspices of the Agency Chief Information Officer. It collects, orga- nizes, provides for archiving, and disseminates NASA’s STI. The NASA STI program provides access to the NASA Aeronautics and Space Database and its public interface, the NASA technical report server, thus pro- viding one of the largest collections of aeronautical and space science STI in the world.

NASA Systems Engineering Handbook (2008) [pdf]

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2 Gbps: New Speed Record Set For Data Transmission Using LED Light

A team of researchers has devised a new method to produce white light that supports data transmission rates up to 2 billion bits per second (2 Gbps). This light could be used to made efficient lighting systems and transmit information at the same time. The researchers expect that the white light LED bulbs will be replaced by the bulbs that generate white light using semiconductor lasers.

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New method for detecting hardware Trojans

Modern computer chips are made up of hundreds of millions – often billions – of transistors. Such complexity enables the smartphone in your back pocket to perform all manner of powerful computations, but it also provides lots of places for tiny malicious circuits, known as hardware Trojans, to hide. Magnifying this security risk is the increasingly distributed and globalized nature of the hardware supply chain, which makes it possible for a Trojan to be introduced at any point along the way.

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“Digital Hell” — Why Is This house Linked To 600 Million IP Addresses?

A couple residing in the remote areas of Kansas has been visited by various police and federal officials on a regular basis. No, they are not some retired high-rank officials but the visits were made to enquire about missing persons, digital fraud cases, and even child pornography cases. More than 600 million IP addresses are linked to the house of this couple, James and Theresa Arnold. The couple shifted to the farm house in 2011. So, what was being baked inside the house? It was the result of a technical issue with an IP mapping company MaxMind. The couple’s house is located somewhere near the geographical center of the United States of America. The company was using this location as default to map IP addresses for which the location could not be identified.

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Unmasking France’s Violent Wine Extremists

You raise a glass of French wine and you think of the winemaker. You probably imagine someone with sun-soaked wrinkles, his hands as knotty as the vines he tends, sort of a knowing Mother Earth look about him. Maybe you picture him walking the vineyard, gently grazing his thick, worn knuckles against tender green leaves, cupping a cluster of violet-purple grapes, thinking of the vintage to come. Everything’s gorgeous. The sun is shining. He’s fine. You’re fine. You take a sip of his wine and he leaves his vineyard to go set an importer’s office on fire. He is not fine. He’s a member of the Comité Régional d’Action Viticole. Also known as CRAV. A Languedoc-based French wine terrorism organization. Yes, there is absolutely such a thing.

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