Sunday, 18. October 2009

A Journey into the "Emerald Triangle"

Three counties in northern California make up the bulk of marijuana growing in the U.S. In the years since voters in California passed proposition 215 in 1996, pot production has exploded. Traditionally, Mexican cartels were the dominate supplier of marijuana to American consumers. Now the Mexicans are fighting to hold on to their share of the market.

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2009 VH1 Hip Hop Honors Show - Honoring Def Jam Records

VH1's Hip Hop Honors 2009 is the first time the show will be honoring a record label. Host Tracy Morgan and a slew of superstar performers and presenters will be celebrating the incredible legacy of Def Jam Recordings. Over the last quarter-century Def Jam has led a cultural movement that has changed the world.

Def Jam Records

Watch The Full Show Download

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Es ist Funk – na und?

Die Erwähnung Jan Delays zieht beim halbwegs popkulturell geschulten Gegenüber in der Regel den sofortigen Versuch einer Stimmenimitation nach sich. Das ist sonst allenfalls bei Grönemeyer oder Lindenberg so, das muss man erst mal schaffen. Überhaupt hat der dreiunddreißigjährige Hamburger so einiges geschafft. Neben Peter Fox ist er der einzige hiesige Solostar, auf den sich unterschiedlichste Publikumsgruppen – vom Indiemädchen bis hin zum Stefan-Raab-Gucker – einigen können. via

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Die mobile Gummi-Fabrik

Sie lässt sich auf 28 Quadratmeter verpacken und wird so in alle Welt verschickt: Ein deutscher Unternehmer hat eine Kondomfabrik entwickelt, die erst vor Ort zusammengebaut wird. Das technische Meisterstück kostet 500.000 Dollar - hat sich aber trotzdem zum Export-Schlager entwickelt.

Hamburg - Sex gibt es überall - das ist die Geschäftsgrundlage von Klaus Richter. Dennoch leitet der 56 Jahre alte Sozialwissenschaftler sein Unternehmen Richter Hi-Tech von der Halbinsel Malaysia aus. Denn Kondomfabriken als Versandartikel, das ist das Geschäft von Richter. Über 100 Anlagen hat Richter Hi-Tech bisher produziert und über Penangs Containerhafen verschifft, unter anderem nach Indien, Thailand und Mexiko.

Kondome als Export-Hit
Die mobile Gummi-Fabrik

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Linux: Access 100+ Games Instantly With DJL

For those who always feel that gaming is not suitable in Linux OS and it is always an hassle to install and get games to run in Linux platform, then DJL will definitely change the way you think.

Djl is an open-source (GPL licensed) game manager written in Python 2.5 for the GNU/Linux Operating Systems. In short, it is an application that allows you to install/uninstall/manage your games easily. With Djl, you can browse through its repository of 100+ games and install the game you want with a simple click. No longer do you need to worry about game dependencies and all the command lines.

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New camera promises to capture your whole life

A camera you can wear as a pendant to record every moment of your life will soon be launched by a UK-based firm.

Originally invented to help jog the memories of people with Alzheimer's disease, it might one day be used by consumers to create "lifelogs" that archive their entire lives.

Worn on a cord around the neck, the camera takes pictures automatically as often as once every 30 seconds. It also uses an accelerometer and light sensors to snap an image when a person enters a new environment, and an infrared sensor to take one when it detects the body heat of a person in front of the wearer. It can fit 30,000 images onto its 1-gigabyte memory.

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Jack Wolfskin eröffnet den Abmahn-Herbst!

Mit Jack Wolfskin vergreift sich wiedermal eine weltweit agierende und sich selbst für integer haltende Marke an den kleinsten und schwächsten Gliedern des Long Tail. Jack Wolfskin, dessen Logo eine Wolfstatze ziert, untersagt allen Anbietern von Pfoten(!)-Designs die Verwendung derselben, denn Jack Wolfskin sieht seine Markenrechte verletzt!

Lernen Anwälte und PR-Menschen eigentlich nichts aus den Vorgängen der Vergangenheit? Wiedermal sind Abmahnanwälte im Namen einer Marke unterwegs, um ihr den Garaus zu machen. Wiedermal riskiert man wegen fragwürdiger Markenschutzbemühungen einen PR-Gau und das Image einer wertvollen Marke.

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German Team Wins 2009 Solar Decathlon

Our team recently competed in the 2009 US Department of Energy Solar Decathlon. The Solar Decathlon is a 2-year competition that challenges university students from 20 US and international teams to design, build, and operate the most attractive and energy-efficient solar-powered house. Objective scores are based on comfort control, appliance performance, net-metering, and home entertainment. Subjective contest scores are determined by juries that weigh the engineering design, architectural design, as well as marketing and communication strategies. Team Germany took 1st place due to a large net production of electricity, while Team California claimed top honors in the Architecture contest. Minnesota won the engineering design section. However, looking beyond the contest winners, the main purpose of the event is to raise awareness about solar technology and sustainable design. As part of this campaign, products used in all 20 homes are listed on the DOE website. The most exciting aspect is that the construction and engineering documents and communication materials from all teams are open-sourced for anyone to use or modify!

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AdViews: A Digital Archive of Vintage Television Commercials

AdViews is a digital archive of thousands of vintage television commercials dating from the 1950s to the 1980s. These commercials were created or collected by the ad agency Benton & Bowles or its successor, D'Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles (DMB&B). Founded in 1929, Benton & Bowles was a New York advertising agency that merged with D'Arcy Masius McManus in 1985 to form DMB&B. Major clients included are Procter & Gamble, Kraft, Schick, Vicks, and Post, among others. Commercials will be added in phased batches over several months in 2009. The commercials are a part of the D'Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles Archives found at the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History in Duke University's Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library.

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Mosselprom - Моссельпроме

Despite the fact that most of the promotional materials in the Soviet Union was a political advertisement or propaganda, and was a commercial advertising of goods and services. Moreover, in relatively high volumes. A number of advertising has been published in the country during the period of the NEP. However, in other periods of history some ads state enterprises was carried out continuously. Informal verbal methods of advertising company used primarily by private masters and "hack". via

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