Friday, 16. October 2009

Sarah Silverman schlägt Vatikan-Verkauf vor

Den Hunger auf der Welt besiegen? Kein Problem, meint US-Komikerin Sarah Silverman und schlägt vor: Verkauft einfach den Vatikan! Ein Jesuitenpater findet die Idee gar nicht so schlecht.

Die US-Schauspielerin und Komikerin Sarah Silverman ist bekannt für derbe Sprüche. Kaum ein Tabu, das sie nicht bricht. Sonst macht die 38-Jährige bevorzugt Witze über Schwule, Schwarze, Juden oder Behinderte. Diesmal ist der Papst dran: Silverman schlägt ihm vor, aus dem Vatikan auszuziehen.

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Student sends camera into stratosphere

Geoff McCormack looked at projects where people had attached digital cameras to weather balloons and decided to take it a step further. Fortunately, Deakin University was supportive of his unusual final-year project.

I had always wanted to build something and attach it to a balloon to see where it went but had never found the time to work on it. I had seen pictures from projects overseas where people had attached digital cameras to weather balloons and I thought I'd take it a step further with a custom-designed data-logger and control system. Fortunately, Deakin University was supportive of my unusual final-year project.

Off-the-shelf expedition takes flight Teens capture images of space with £56 camera and balloon

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First black hole for light created on Earth

An electromagnetic "black hole" that sucks in surrounding light has been built for the first time.

The device, which works at microwave frequencies, may soon be extended to trap visible light, leading to an entirely new way of harvesting solar energy to generate electricity.

First black hole for light created on Earth

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