Topic: POLITIK - on October 8, 2009 at 10:08:00 AM CEST
Maldives cabinet to go underwater
The government of the Maldives is to hold a cabinet meeting underwater to highlight the threat of global warming.
President Mohamed Nasheed and his cabinet will sign a document during the 17 October dive, calling for global cuts in carbon emissions.
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Topic: STRANGE - on October 8, 2009 at 10:05:00 AM CEST
Fake boobs battle in Miss Plastic contest
While most beauty contests celebrate women's natural good looks (as well as their ability to express a desire for world peace), that's not the case with this bizarre beauty contest - in which only women with fake breasts and facelifts can take part.
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Topic: DRUGS - on October 8, 2009 at 10:01:00 AM CEST
DEA vs. 'House'
Does the DEA control what we watch on TV? Active commenter bruce is stirring up controversy with recent accusations about the TV show 'House'.
We have not been given, nor will we be given, an adequate explanation for why House's chronic pain is suddenly manageable without painkillers. Keep in mind House had a legitimate, verifiable medical condition (infarction leading to muscle death) in his leg, so it's not like fibromyalgia or bad headaches some other painful condition that is hard if not impossible to medically verify.
The DEA has been writing letters to Fox complaining about House's "flagrant use and abuse of narcotics without consequence" for years now, and finally the network, writers, and producers all caved in to the government's demands... in the worst possible way. They decided to make the vicodin House had been taking for over a decade into a sudden hallucinogen, causing him to see dead people. They showed him going through the painful detox, and now he's just fine and dandy, no reference to his pain at all. And there won't be any further reference to his pain, other than "it's all manageable."
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Topic: DRUGS - on October 8, 2009 at 9:57:00 AM CEST
Homegrown Pot Threatens Mexican Cartels
Stiff competition from thousands of mom-and-pop marijuana farmers in the United States threatens the bottom line for powerful Mexican drug organizations in a way that decades of arrests and seizures have not, according to law enforcement officials and pot growers in the United States and Mexico.
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Topic: DRUGS - on October 8, 2009 at 9:49:00 AM CEST
Carl Sagan on Pot
This account was written in 1969 for publication in Marihuana Reconsidered (1971). Sagan was in his mid-thirties at that time. He continued to use cannabis for the rest of his life.
It all began about ten years ago. I had reached a considerably more relaxed period in my life - a time when I had come to feel that there was more to living than science, a time of awakening of my social consciousness and amiability, a time when I was open to new experiences. I had become friendly with a group of people who occasionally smoked cannabis, irregularly, but with evident pleasure. Initially I was unwilling to partake, but the apparent euphoria that cannabis produced and the fact that there was no physiological addiction to the plant eventually persuaded me to try.
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Topic: POLITIK - on October 8, 2009 at 9:45:00 AM CEST
Berlusconi's immunity-for-me law overturned
Italy's Constitutional Court has overturned a law granting Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi immunity from prosecution while in office.
The move opens the possibility that Mr Berlusconi, 73, could stand trial in at least three court cases, including one in which he is accused of corruption.
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