Topic: DRUGS - on August 22, 2009 at 7:08:00 PM CEST
In California Forests, Marijuana Growers Thrive
Lt. Sonny LeGault and 11 other officers from the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department woke before dawn one recent morning, hiked three miles through the woods and just missed the apparently hungry men they had hoped to arrest.
“They’d been cooking breakfast: there were a couple of quails dressed out, and a soup going,” Lieutenant LeGault said. “But they were gone.”
Those the officers had been hunting were workers at one of the scores of remote, highly organized outdoor marijuana “grows” that dot the vast forests of California, largely on federal property.
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Topic: MUSIK - on August 22, 2009 at 1:39:00 PM CEST
Rave flyers in the 90’s
Like how a lot of things “aren’t they way they used to be” these days, rave culture and visual cues that go along with it, aren’t the way they used to be (there’s a flyer from a more recent event after the jump). A one sentence summary of rave history: In the late 1980s, the word ‘rave’ was adopted to describe the subculture that grew out of the acid house movement. Activities were related to the party atmosphere of Ibiza, a Mediterranean island frequented by British and German youth on vacation.
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Topic: FUN - on August 22, 2009 at 1:28:00 PM CEST
Disney silhouette
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Topic: COMPUTER - on August 22, 2009 at 1:26:00 PM CEST
Der gehackte Hacker - Mitnick gegen AT&T
Kevin Mitnick war der berühmteste Hacker der Welt: Die Geschichte seines Katz-und-Maus-Spiels mit den Fahndern wurde mehrfach verfilmt. Jetzt wurde er selbst gehackt - und seine Telefonfirma kündigte ihm, weil sie die Sicherheit seines Accounts nicht garantieren kann. Mitnick wehrt sich.
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Topic: Online-Fahndung - on August 22, 2009 at 1:24:00 PM CEST
Bundestrojaner ein Programmierer erzählt
Ruben Unteregger hat rund sieben Jahre lang als Softwareentwickler beim Schweizer Unternehmen ERA IT Solutions gearbeitet. Seine Aufgabe dort war das Erstellen von Schadprogrammen, die ein Eindringen in die Computer von Privatanwendern ermöglichen soll. Die ERA IT Solutions soll insbesondere am Aufbau von Trojanern beteiligt sein, die dem Abhören von VoIP-Telefonaten dienen. Will er keine Vertragsstrafe zahlen, so muss er sich über die Kunden des Unternehmens ausschweigen. Zeitgleich zur Veröffentlichung dieses Interviews will Herr Unteregger der Öffentlichkeit den Quellcode seines Trojaners zur Verfügung stellen.
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Topic: War and Peace News - on August 22, 2009 at 1:22:00 PM CEST
Wikileaks publishes large cache of US neo-Nazi group's emails
More than 600 "private emails" from the National Socialist Movement, aka NSM88, basically the reincarnation of the American Nazi party, managed to find their way into the hands of the folks who maintain Wikileaks. These don't look so much like "private emails" as the contents of an opt-in email mailing list maintained by the group, but I'm still trying to confirm their origin.
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