Topic: POLICE REPORT - on August 2, 2009 at 11:58:00 AM CEST
Mexican police investigate hotel over stockpiling Cancun beach sand
Tourists have found their little piece of Cancun beach paradise ringed by crime-scene tape and gun-toting sailors after a hotel was accused of illegally stockpiling sand. Environmental enforcement officers backed by Mexican navy personnel closed off hundreds of feet of powder-white coastline in front of the hotel.
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Topic: STRANGE - on August 2, 2009 at 11:56:00 AM CEST
Wie die große Gartenhure Investoren verrückt machte
Nicht Gold oder Diamanten weckten im Jahr 1637 die Gier holländischer Investoren - sondern Blumen. Ein regelrechter Tulpen-Wahn bescherte der Finanzwelt die erste Spekulationsblase der Geschichte. Sie gilt heute als Prototyp für viele spätere Krisen.
Die Königin der Tulpen trug ihr Haupt hoch, so kamen die leuchtenden Farben noch besser zur Geltung: Blau am Blütenboden, wo der schlanke Stil ansetzte, nach oben übergehend in ein reines Weiß, aus dem blutrote Flammen zur Spitze hin züngelten. "Semper Augustus" tauften die Züchter ihr Wunderwerk. Das Privileg, es in natura betrachten zu dürfen, war nur wenigen Zeitgenossen vergönnt.
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Topic: COPYRIGHT - on August 2, 2009 at 11:55:00 AM CEST
Maybe The RIAA Should Just Charge $22,500 Per Song
The RIAA has been awarded $675,000 in the case of Joel Tenenbaum, a student who illegally downloaded 30 songs. If the award stands, Tenenbaum will be filing for bankruptcy.
Since Tenenbaum had already admitted to infringement, the jury’s instructions from the judge were to choose an amount between $750 and $150,000 per song.
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Topic: DRUGS - on August 2, 2009 at 11:50:00 AM CEST
Legalized Pot-Packaging-Design
OUR DIRECTION is essentially about preserving the spirit of buying pot illegally. The rituals and customs of scoring a bag of weed are so ingrained in pop culture that to ignore them simply because marijuana is legal seems to do a disservice to decades-old pot culture.
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Topic: DRUGS - on August 2, 2009 at 11:46:00 AM CEST
The Shulgin Project – 9 minute trailer
Alexander Shulgin - chemist extraordinaire and living legend in underground drug culture - features in this new film on the unexplored potential of psychedelic drugs. Having quit his post as a senior research chemist at Dow Chemical Company in 1965, together with his wife Ann he set forth on a personal quest to design new psychoactive drugs. The lifestyle drugs market is now estimated to be worth up to $25 billion annually, providing legal treatments for conditions ranging from depression to impotence. Why should man be prevented from using other drugs, which alter his mental and physical experiences? Many have been used for centuries and others continue to be applied in therapeutic, creative, religious, exploratory, recreational and military settings. Are these drugs so innately dangerous that people need to be protected from them? Or are there other reasons? Doctors prescribing MDMA for post traumatic stress disorder and terminal cancer, military psychiatrists testing LSD on troops, chemists developing new 'designer drugs,' shamans using psychedelics to heighten spiritual awareness, multiple sclerosis sufferers self-medicating with cannabis, artists using LSD as a creative tool. Such practices are at best restricted and at worst outlawed - but what are the motives behind the regulations? Further filming is planned in the US, the UK, the rest of Europe, and South America.
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