Wednesday, 15. July 2009

Science Fiction Cuisine: Share and Enjoy

It’s been a while since I, your self-appointed geek chef, have bestowed any culinary oddities upon you, dear readers. I do hope you’ve managed to eat something in the meantime. This time, I’ll install a tap in Douglas Adams’ brain and serve up something cool and froody.

To say Douglas Adams was funny is like saying Bruce Lee was pretty good at punching people. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series, overflowing with Adam’s innovative approach to space adventure and philosophical absurdity, is among the most beloved works of science fiction and a high water mark in humor writing. One could argue that Bruce Lee was the Douglas Adams of kung fu.

Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster

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Satire über die Volksmusik - ORF-Sitcom "Die Gipfelzipfler"

"Volksmusik ist eine gelebte Lüge, ein Ablenkungsmanöver von der Realität, eine Gehirnwäsche" - Tramitz: "Faszination des Grauens" - Echtzeit-Sitcom ab 2010 im ORF

Seit einer Woche laufen die Dreharbeiten zur ersten ORF-Echtzeit-Sitcom "Die Gipfelzipfler" in der Filmstadt Wien. Christian Tramitz und Roland Düringer in den Hauptrollen spielen die Volksmusikanten Frank und Mick, die zehn Folgen zu je 25 Minuten Zeit haben einen Hit namens "Gute Besserung" zu schreiben, der ihnen den Aufstieg in den Volksmusikhimmel garantieren soll. Voraussichtlich 2010 soll diese "Satire über die Volksmusik", so Düringer beim heutigen Setbesuch, im ORF ausgestrahlt werden. Das Drehbuch von Murmel Clausen ("Der Schuh des Manitu") wird von Harald Sicheritz inszeniert.

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Haschischpfeife im Handschuhfach

Witzenhausen. Marihuana und eine Haschischpfiefe fanden Polizeibeamte bei einer Fahrzeugüberprüfung in der Nacht zum Dienstag in einem Auto aus Kiedrich (Niederrhein).

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Almost a ton of cannabis seized from a yacht off Mijas

The Interior Ministry say more arrests could be made in a joint National Police and Customs operation which has seized almost a ton of cannabis resin in Mijas and so far taken seven people into custody. Most were resident in Fuengirola.

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Chronic City: Just The Marijuana Facts, Doc. No, Wait -- The REAL Facts.

Medical advice "City Bright" Doc Gurley published a column over at SFGate purporting to be the latest, bias-free, data-based information on marijuana. On the face of it, that's a great and laudable idea; we'll agree there is, indeed, a "desperate need for data-based information looking at marijuana in the less emotional context of a pharmaceutical medication." So we suppose we'll have to give an "A" on the concept. But, disappointingly, the execution ranks a "C-" -- at best.

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Cheech & Chong Light Up Tron Spoof

Masters of weed Cheech & Chong reunite in a recession-themed Tron spoof slated to go live Tuesday. The video short begins as the two tokers emerge from a smoke-filled van arguing about how the rotten economy is affecting marijuana prices. They then catapult themselves into a videogame showdown haunted by virtual visions of Bernard Madoff and Alan Greenspan.

Cheech and Chongs Tron – Directors Cut

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