Friday, 20. February 2009

Single Google Query uses 1000 Machines in 0.2 seconds

Google is normally quite secretive about their search infrastructure but, in a break from tradition, they have revealed that a single search query on Google can consume the processing power of 1000 machines.

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The Dangers Of Powerful Magnets

A graphic example of why you should be careful with very powerful Neodymium magnets. If you haven't worked it out, that's a fingertip wedged between the magnets.

The Dangers Of Powerful Magnets via

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Spain's Justice Minister admits he went hunting illegally

The Minister for Justice, Mariano Fernández Bermejo, has admitted that he took part in a weekend’s hunting in Jaén without the necessary licence from the Andalucian Government. Bermejo made the admission on the ‘Mirada Critica’ programme on Tele5 this morning, but claimed he thought that the land, close to Puertollano, was in Castilla-La Mancha.

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Milliardenbetrüger Stanford von FBI aufgespürt

Der seit Tagen untergetauchte mutmaßliche Milliardenbetrüger Allen Stanford ist von der US-Bundespolizei FBI in Virginia aufgespürt worden. Die US-Börsenaufsicht SEC wirft dem Investor vor, weltweit Anleger um bis zu acht Milliarden Dollar betrogen zu haben. Laut einem TV-Bericht dürfte sich aber auch das FBI selbst für Stanford interessieren, da dieser Verbindungen zu mexikanischen Drogenkartellen unterhalten haben soll.

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Stanford suspected in drug laundering scheme - video

ABC’s Brian Ross reported that Robert Allen Stanford has not been seen since his financial group was charged with fraud by the Securities and Exchange Commission. Authorities say that Stanford had been suspected in a drug laundering scheme before being charged with fraud.

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1,7 Millionen Euro Schulden - NPD zeigt sich selbst an

Die Finanzaffäre der NPD eskaliert: Wegen massiver Ungereimtheiten in der Buchführung hat die rechtsextremistische Partei jetzt Selbstanzeige bei der Bundestagsverwaltung erstattet. So will sie Strafzahlungen in Höhe von fast zwei Millionen Euro entgehen.

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Notgeld - Pre-Inflationary German Currency

My wife's family lived in Germany until 1936, when they were lucky enough to leave. My wife's grandfather collected thousands of bills produced by the different towns and companies to make front to deflation first and inflation later and provide certain stability to workers and residents. Each town hired artists and craftsmen to design this money, which reflects the aesthetic and concerns of the time and place.

Notgeld - Pre-Inflationary German Currency

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National Federation of Atheists launched

A national student body of atheists and secularists has been formed to represent the interests of non-believers across the country.

The organisation - the National Federation of Atheist, Humanist and Secular Student Societies (AHS) – was established to counter the "prejudice and discrimination" atheists groups claim to have experienced across the country when establishing atheist groups.

National Federation of Atheists launched

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Pirate Bay Support-Site: This is what a Criminal looks like…

File-sharing is good, allowing people to share music, movies and culture. Today four of the pioneers of file-sharing are on trial in Sweden, in yet another attempt by the movie and music industries to stop technological innovation and development by force.

But it is not the people behind the Pirate Bay who have shared files. It is us, the millions who use their site. They've got the wrong people. We won't go away even if the prosecution should win this case, nor will the technology disappear that lets us share the music and films we love.

Pirate Bay Support-Site

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Pirate Bay supporters ram Swedish IFPI website

Pirate Bay co-founder Peter Sunde has pleaded with fans to stop attacking official entertainment industry websites after the Swedish wing of the The International Federation of the Phonographic Industry’s (IFPI) site was hacked yesterday.

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Recording Industry Says Irish ISPs Shouldn't Protest If It Demands Pirate Bay Block

Irish ISP Eircom recently settled a lawsuit with the recording industry. The lawsuit itself was an oddity -- as it was the first time we could recall the industry actually suing an ISP over charges related to file sharing. The settlement, though, was quite troubling, as Eircom agreed to kick file sharers off the internet via a "three strikes" plan, despite the fact that many countries in Europe have said that it doesn't make sense to kick users off the internet -- and may actually be a violation of their civil rights.

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