Topic: COMPUTER - on January 20, 2009 at 2:05:00 PM CET
Obama Inauguration Wallpaper
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Topic: POLITIK - on January 20, 2009 at 1:44:00 PM CET
Watch the Obama Inauguration LIVE ORF 2 überträgt die Inauguration am 20. Jänner ab 17.40 Uhr live (ebenso auf als Live-Stream).
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Topic: FUN - on January 20, 2009 at 1:37:00 PM CET
UFO wind turbine prang site: Exclusive photos
The recent Conisholme wind farm incident - in which one turbine shed a blade in highly mysterious circumstances - provoked a level of black helicopter activity not seen since NASA faked the 1969 Moon landing, with many suggesting extraterrestrial involvement.
Well, we at El Reg have spent some time analysing a satellite image of the site on the morning following the prang, with remarkable results. Here's the original picture:
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Topic: POLICE REPORT - on January 20, 2009 at 1:32:00 PM CET
Wiener Fiaker müssen ins Röhrchen blasen
Einmal pusten, bitte! In Wien hat die Polizei eine Großaktion gegen betrunkene Kutscher durchgeführt. Anlass sind mehrere Zwischenfälle mit alkoholisierten Fiakern, die ihre Pferde nicht mehr unter Kontrolle hatten.
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Topic: CARS - on January 20, 2009 at 1:25:00 PM CET
15 Ridiculous Rocket and Jet-Powered Vehicles
Why would a portable toilet need a jet engine and wheels? Jet and rocket engines are appearing in the most unexpected of places for reasons most people simply can’t comprehend. As examine these ridiculous, bizarre and in some cases incredibly dangerous DIY creations, you’ll be tempted to question the purpose of these objects and shake your head at the waste of fossil fuels. Perhaps more important is the amazing fact that all of the people who have taken these jet-powered contraptions on test drives lived to tell the tale.
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Topic: COPYRIGHT - on January 20, 2009 at 1:16:00 PM CET
Dutch Study Says Filesharing Has Positive Economic Effects
In a study conducted by TNO for the Dutch government the economic effects of filesharing are found to be positive. According to the 146 page report (available for download, but in Dutch) filesharing is good for the prosperity of the Dutch: with filesharing more media are available, even though this costs the media industry some profit. One of the most noticeable conclusions is that downloading and buying are not mutually exclusive: downloaders on average buy just as much music as non-downloaders, but they buy more DVD's and games then people who don't download. They also tend to visit more concerts and buy more merchandise.
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Topic: COPYRIGHT - on January 20, 2009 at 1:15:00 PM CET
Isle of Man wants legal P2P blanket
Tax haven the Isle of Man, with a population of around 80,000, wants to introduce a compulsory blanket licence for music downloads. Broadband ISP subscribers would pay a "nominal" compulsory tax, but be able to share music legally.
Surprisingly, the proposal has won approval from the chief executive of the BPI, Geoff Taylor.
"At the end of the day, we are not going to stop piracy, so let's embrace it," the Manx government's inward investment minister Ron Berry told the MidemNet conference this weekend.
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Topic: Bastard pop - on January 20, 2009 at 1:15:00 PM CET
Radioheads „15 step“ vs Dave Brubecks „Take Five“
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Topic: MUSIK - on January 20, 2009 at 1:13:00 PM CET
Amy Winehouse launches her own record label
The debut album of Dionne Bromfield will be the first release by Winehouse's newly minted Lioness Records. Oh, and by the way, she also happens to be Amy's goddaughter
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Topic: DRUGS - on January 20, 2009 at 1:04:00 PM CET
Raab verwechselt ein Kastanienblatt mit Marihuana - VIDEO
Auch wenn er ein Kastanienblatt für Marihuana hält: Gegen ihn ist bei „Schlag den Raab" kein Kraut gewachsen. Sein Herausforderer konnte Stefans Raabs Siegesserie wieder nicht stoppen. Nach vier Triumphen in Folge muss Pro Sieben seinen Vorzeigeathleten jetzt dringend an die kurze Leine nehmen.
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Topic: DRUGS - on January 20, 2009 at 12:33:00 PM CET
BKA identifiziert Hauptwirkstoff
Nicht Kräuteressenz, nicht Räuchermischung: In der Modedroge Spice stecken synthetische Cannabinoide, die bisher kein Labor entdeckt hat. Das berichtet das Bundeskriminalamt - und warnt erneut vor Überdosierung und Abhängigkeit.
Die Modedroge Spice soll noch stärker und unberechenbarer als Marihuana und Haschisch wirken. Das Rauschgift enthält als Hauptwirkstoff das synthetische Cannabinoid "CP-47,497", wie das Bundeskriminalamt am Montag in Wiesbaden mitteilte. Diese Substanz ähnele dem Hauptwirkstoff der Cannabispflanze, THC, besitze aber eine um ein Vielfaches höhere pharmakologische Potenz. old shit
4:20 statt Spice... Link (0 comments) ... Comment
Topic: DRUGS - on January 20, 2009 at 12:23:00 PM CET
Synthetic drug seized at DHL hub - Spice
Customs agents at the DHL airline hub have seized more than 100 pounds of herbal incense found to contain a powerful, synthetic version of the active ingredient in marijuana, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection office said Thursday, Jan. 15.
Tests for THC — the active ingredient in marijuana — proved negative. Additional tests, however, showed the packets contained a synthetic drug called HU-210, which is 100 to 800 times more potent than natural THC. HU-210 CP_47,497BKA identified the main ingredient Internalization and Recycling of the CB1 Cannabinoid Receptor Reciprocal influences of CB1 cannabinoid receptor agonists on ERK and JNK signalling in N1E-115 cells. The Medicinal Uses of Cannabis and Cannabinoids - starts with WIN 55,212-2, and goes on to discuss HU-210. check out the conclusions on pg 195 too old shit
4:20 statt Spice... Link (0 comments) ... Comment