Topic: FUN - on July 27, 2008 at 2:06:50 PM CEST
Made of Japan shoe
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Topic: DRUGS - on July 27, 2008 at 1:59:35 PM CEST
Langlauf – Doping: Skilangläufer Darragon mit Cannabis im Gepäck
Der Skilanglauf-Olympiazweite Roddy Darragon (Frankreich) ist an der norwegischen Grenze mit Cannabis im Gepäck erwischt worden. Er entging einer gerichtlichen Strafe durch Zahlung einer Geldbuße von 650 Euro, erwartet jedoch wegen Verstoßes gegen die Anti-Doping-Bestimmungen ein Verfahren vor dem französischen Ski-Verband.
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Topic: HOLLYWALD - on July 27, 2008 at 1:56:15 PM CEST
Happy Birthday, Stanley Kubrick!
Yes, he is a shining light of cinema, but he fits Listening Post like a virtual glove. He would have celebrated his 80th birthday on Sunday, if he had lived to witness the musical evolution of the form he fast-forwarded. His films irrevocably changed the relationship between film and music, from the juxtaposition of spaceship ballets and "The Blue Danube" to the destabilizing pairing of rape and "Singin' in the Rain." Sometimes it hurt to watch, but it was often impossible to turn your eyes, and ears, away from anything Stanley Kubrick made.
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Topic: NASA - on July 27, 2008 at 1:48:36 PM CEST
NASA Image Library Now Available To The Public
While National Geographic can easily be considered the place to go if you’re looking for photos of life on Earth, if you’re interested in what’s happening away from our planet you’ll have to turn to NASA. And thanks to a partnership with the non-profit Internet Archive, accessing NASA’s image and video libraries just got a whole lot easier. The NASA Images website went live this past week, and features 21 NASA image collections merged into a massive and easily searchable online resource.
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Topic: Online-Fahndung - on July 27, 2008 at 1:44:14 PM CEST
Speculation over back door in Skype
According to reports, there may be a back door built into Skype, which allows connections to be bugged. The company has declined to expressly deny the allegations. At a meeting with representatives of ISPs and the Austrian regulator on lawful interception of IP based services held on 25th June, high-ranking officials at the Austrian interior ministry revealed that it is not a problem for them to listen in on Skype conversations.
This has been confirmed to heise online by a number of the parties present at the meeting. Skype declined to give a detailed response to specific enquiries from heise online as to whether Skype contains a back door and whether specific clients allowing access to a system or a specific key for decrypting data streams exist. The response from the eBay subsidiary's press spokesman was brief, "Skype does not comment on media speculation. Skype has no further comment at this time." There have been rumours of the existence of a special listening device which Skype is reported to offer for sale to interested states.
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