Topic: WEB - on June 17, 2008 at 5:09:31 PM CEST
Why You Should Download Firefox 3 Right Now
Firefox 3 — available for download at 10am PDT Tuesday — is the culmination of a two-year quest to build the best browser ever. And while it’s not perfect, it comes pretty close.
The open-source web browser is the fastest and most secure version of Firefox yet. Significant improvements have been made to the way it uses your computer’s resources, so the memory leaks and other performance problems found in Firefox 2 have been stamped out. Text and image rendering have also been improved, and the underlying code for Gecko, the engine that draws the actual web pages on the screen, has been updated. There are also heaps of useful features that have been added for both power users and newcomers alike.
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Topic: MUSIK - on June 17, 2008 at 1:45:39 PM CEST
Jazz-Pianist Esbjörn Svensson ist tot
Trauer in der europäischen Jazzszene nach dem Tod des Pianisten Esbjörn Svensson (44) bei einem Tauchunfall in den Stockholmer Schären: "Er hat dem Jazz neues Leben eingehaucht, neue Zuhörer angezogen und andere Musiker unglaublich inspiriert", meinte der Chef des Stockholmer Jazzfestivals, Bosse Persson, am Montag.
Svensson deutscher Manager Burkhard Hopper sagte in München: "Esbjörn Svensson war der feinste Mensch, der mir je begegnet ist. Er hat auch in der Musik immer zuerst an die anderen gedacht und gegeben. Gleichzeitig war er sicher bedeutendste Jazzmusiker dieses Jahrzehnts." Svensson galt in den letzten Jahren als einer der erfolgreichsten Jazzmusiker in Europa. Wie nur wenige andere stand er für die Erneuerung des Genres.
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Topic: COPYRIGHT - on June 17, 2008 at 12:25:34 PM CEST
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Topic: FUN - on June 17, 2008 at 10:10:26 AM CEST
Strange Things People Have Microwaved
Eric Idle, Monty Python player extraordinaire, wrote the Galaxy Song for the movie The Meaning of Life. I was quite curious to see how it has withstood 20 years of astronomical leaps in our understanding of the universe. My references can be found at
Just remember that you're standing on a planet that's evolving While still controversial in some areas, evolution seems pretty well established.
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Topic: STRANGE - on June 17, 2008 at 10:03:53 AM CEST
Strange lights over Texas
Constable Lee Roy Gaitan saw the brilliant red orbs hovering in the sky and hollered for his family to come out.
It's probably an airplane, said his wife, Wendy, who didn't budge from the couch. Only 8-year-old Ryan went to the front yard.
That's a UFO, the boy said.
Gaitan, a stocky, 44-year-old lawman who has spent 16 years patrolling the Texas scrubland, faced a bit of a dilemma. With an election coming up, he could tell the world of this incredible sight -- and look like an idiot -- or keep his mouth shut.
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Topic: War and Peace - on June 17, 2008 at 9:53:22 AM CEST
U.S. Special Forces Counter-Insurgency Manual FM 31-20-3
This sensitive US military counter-insurgency manual could be described as “What we learned about running death squads and propping up corrupt government in Latin America and how to apply it to other places”. Its contents are both history defining for Latin America and, given the continued role of US Force in the suppression of insurgencies and guerilla movements, history making.
US Army Field Manual FM 31-20-3, Foreign Internal Defense Tactics Techniques and Procedures for Special Forces; Headquarters, Department of the Army, Washinton, DC. 2004 edition. Made US Army doctrine (policy) on 20 September 1994; 219 printed pages. Verified by Wikileaks editorial board. Since the manual is US Army doctrine there are also public references to the title and tables of content elsewhere.
Example extracts follow. Note that the manual is 219 pages and contains substantial material throughout, including technical and procedural descriptions which have not been presented here.
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Topic: DRUGS - on June 17, 2008 at 9:49:57 AM CEST
Understandable grow room diagram
This graphic showing all the hardware that goes into a marijuana grow room is cleanly laid out with mouse-over tooltips.
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Topic: DRUGS - on June 17, 2008 at 9:45:27 AM CEST
Open Source Psychedelia
Beginning as a Facebook group, Jason Semenuik and Fernando Paternostro have started Project Sunspot, an online petition seeking to ensure public involvement in psychedelic research and education. Their objective is to start by creating a database of those interested in this mission, ideally leading to greater efforts and added understanding.
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