Topic: SEX - on November 12, 2003 at 11:45:16 PM CET
Larry Flynt Won't Publish Lynch Pictures; Lashes Out At Govt.
Larry Flynt has purchased topless pictures of Pvt. Jessica Lynch partying with other soldiers, but has no intention of publishing them in the February issue of Hustler as originally reported – or at any other time for that matter.
“I purchased them at first with the intention of publishing them, however, I quickly changed my mind and decided simply to keep them out of circulation,” Flynt said in a statement.
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Topic: WERBUNG - on November 12, 2003 at 11:43:09 PM CET
Apple TV ad banned in U.K.
British TV regulators banned an ad for Apple Computer's Power Mac G5, saying its claim to the title "world's fastest personal computer" is not fully supported.
While reviewers initially gave the ad the OK, the Independent Television Commission (ITC) this week decided to take action after receiving eight complaints from viewers. The agency concluded that "there was insufficient evidence to support the claim 'world's fastest, most powerful personal computer.'"
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Topic: DRUGS - on November 12, 2003 at 9:40:42 PM CET
Another reason why they call it dope
Smoking marijuana doesn't lead to violent crime, but it may lead to more arrests of stoned criminals who engage in acts of violence, according to two economists.
Rosalie Liccardo Pacula of the RAND Corp. and Harvard University graduate student Beau Kilmer found that crooks under the influence of marijuana were more likely to get caught, though pot smokers apparently were no more likely to commit a violent crime in the first place.
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Topic: MDA - on November 12, 2003 at 8:22:27 PM CET
Nokia Says Its N-Gage Copy Protection Hacked
The world's largest mobile phone maker Nokia said on Wednesday hackers have cracked the copy-protection codes for its newly launched N-Gage gaming device, allowing copied games to be downloaded over the Web.

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Topic: COMPUTER - on November 12, 2003 at 7:10:57 PM CET
Zombie Machines Fueling New Cyber Crime Wave
s more homes connect to faster delivery systems, their computers are becoming vulnerable to hackers and virus writers who can turn them into "zombie" machines, ready to carry out any malevolent command.
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Topic: LOST FOUND - on November 12, 2003 at 6:45:04 PM CET
Eaten missionary's family head for Fiji
The residents of a Fiji village are preparing to apologise to the family of a English Christian missionary who was eaten by tribes people 136 years ago.
Cows, fine mats and 30 sperm whales' teeth are to be presented to Thomas Baker's descendants in the traditional ceremony on Thursday.

¬> bbc
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Topic: - on November 12, 2003 at 6:39:43 PM CET
Waiter, there's a condom in my soup!
Woman Sues Over Condom in Her Clam Chowder
A California woman who found a condom in her bowl of clam chowder has sued the upscale restaurant that served it to her -- saying she has suffered depression and anxiety from the shocking discovery.
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Topic: NETZ Tools - on November 12, 2003 at 5:02:28 PM CET
WWW-Pionier Berners-Lee strickt an neuer Web-Schicht
In Zukunft sollen surfende Maschinen Web-Inhalte nicht nur verarbeiten, sondern auch verstehen. Bisher hapert es am Vokabular: Die Ontologiesprache Web Ontology Language (OWL), mit der man Computern die Bedeutung von Web-Inhalten beibringen will, steckt noch in den Kinderschuhen. Dennoch wird OWL dazu beitragen, dass die Vision des Semantic Web Wirklichkeit wird, urteilt iX in der aktuellen Ausgabe 12/03.
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Topic: POLITIK - on November 12, 2003 at 4:49:26 PM CET
Kampf der Giganten
Seit George Soros The Soros Effect on Central and Eastern Europe) in den achtziger Jahren im kommunistisch beherrschten Ungarn einige hundert Kopierer verschenkte, um den Zugang zu Ideen und Informationen zu demokratisieren Der Geist, der aus der Flasche kam), hat der Finanzmann in Ost- und Zentraleuropa ein Imperium mit seinen Stiftungen aufgebaut, rund eine Milliarde Dollar in Russland investiert und auch in Afrika und Asien autonome Institute seines Open Society Institute gegründet.
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Topic: MDA - on November 12, 2003 at 2:23:52 PM CET
Nokia will gegen N-Gage-Crack vorgehen
Handyhersteller Nokia hat den Crack seiner Spielekonsole N-Gage bestätigt und angekündigt, dagegen vorgehen zu wollen. Demnach konnten die Eindringlinge die Sicherheitscodes knacken, die das Kopieren und Verteilen von Games für das N-Gage verhindern sollten.

¬> orf ¬> club-siemens
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Topic: MDA - on November 12, 2003 at 2:18:01 PM CET
Südkorea will Kamerahandys hören
Südkorea will gegen versteckte und unmerkliche Aufnahmen durch Kamerahandys vorgehen.
Die Handyhersteller müssen sicherstellen, dass beim Auslösen der Kamera ein deutlich hörbares Geräusch von mindestens 65 Dezibel zu hören ist, so das Ministerium für Telekommunikation. Das Geräusch soll zudem nicht abschaltbar sein, auch nicht durch den Wechsel in den Lautlos-Modus.
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Topic: - on November 12, 2003 at 1:24:36 PM CET
Goodbye Turntables
You are a DJ but you don't have any bulky gear. You don't need to drive to a gig, the subway/underground will do just fine. You don't need an assistant to carry milk crates of heavy vinyl. Everything you need is in your pockets and the size of a cigarette pack. You only have 2 iPods, but they together hold enough music to play for several months straight, 24-7, without a single repeat. You are a mp3j.

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