Topic: - on November 29, 2002 at 1:31:13 PM CET
Linking, Thinking on AIDS Day
Andre Cloud found out that he was HIV-positive last year, when he was just 17 years old. Like many others living with HIV, Cloud didn't know much about the virus when he contracted it.
"In spite of all the education and talk in the community, I for one didn't know anything until my doctor told me I had this virus, and I really think that kids my age don't really think about it much," he wrote in his weblog last year.
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Topic: - on November 29, 2002 at 1:28:44 PM CET
42 million Aids cases worldwide
FIVE MILLION people will have become infected with HIV this year, bringing to a record 42 million the number of individuals living with Aids or the virus that causes it. This was said by the United Nations ahead of World Aids Day, which is being observed around the globe on Sunday, December 1.
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Topic: - on November 29, 2002 at 1:18:29 PM CET
Condom bike

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Topic: - on November 29, 2002 at 12:34:47 PM CET
Make war not love, Indian rebels told
The National Liberation Front of Tripura, fighting for a separate homeland, signed up nearly 70 young women over the past year with the aim of creating an all-female force.
But the drive backfired when the male guerrillas started getting romantically entangled with the women recruits, police said.
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Topic: - on November 29, 2002 at 12:29:04 PM CET
Victoria’s Secret customers exposed
THE GLITCH STRUCK a feature at that allows customers to check the status of their orders. Before that feature was turned off on Friday, the unique number assigned to each customer was revealed in the Web browser’s address Window. A browser could simply change the customer number, and in some cases, pull up another customer’s orders.
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Topic: - on November 29, 2002 at 12:24:04 PM CET
PC in a humidor
Great sit with alot of mini pcs in new cases.
¬> mini-itx
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Topic: - on November 29, 2002 at 12:16:22 PM CET
German spy underwear for sale
Germany's spy agency plans to sell "top secret" underwear bearing its German eagle logo as part of its efforts to spruce up its public image. A spokeswoman for the normally publicity shy Foreign Intelligence Service (BND) said on Thursday the agency was in response to public demand for BND accessories and would open a shop in Berlin to sell the merchandise next year.
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Topic: - on November 29, 2002 at 10:17:57 AM CET
Arktis: Eisdecke des Ozeans schmilzt immer schneller
Laut einer aktuellen Studie schmilzt die Eisdecke des arktischen Ozeans noch schneller als bisher gedacht - alle zehn Jahre um neun Prozent. Bei einer gleichbleibenden Schmelzrate wird der Nordpol bis Ende dieses Jahrhunderts komplett eisfrei sein.
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Topic: - on November 29, 2002 at 10:04:28 AM CET
Musikindustrie lässt Cover-Datenbank vom Netz nehmen hat nach drei Jahren Betrieb das nach eigenen Angaben "größte Cover-Archiv der Welt" geschlossen.
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Topic: - on November 29, 2002 at 1:38:42 AM CET
Deadly Violence Mars Vote in Israel
Palestinian gunmen opened fire and tossed a grenade at the local headquarters for Israel's main right-wing party today, killing at least six people as voters were casting ballots in a nationwide primary during which they selected incumbent Ariel Sharon as the Likud Party's candidate for prime minister in January's general election.
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Topic: - on November 29, 2002 at 1:36:19 AM CET
Planets form in wink of cosmic eye
Toronto A new report by a team of astronomers suggests the existence of many more planets than the 100 or so currently documented a finding that opens the door to the possibility of more Earth-like worlds.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">The Globe and Mail
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Topic: - on November 29, 2002 at 1:15:22 AM CET
German 'crush killer' jailed
A burly German actor who crushed an accountant to death with his own body weight is beginning a 15-year prison sentence. Guenther Kaufmann, 119 kg (19 stone), was cleared of murder by a court in Munich but convicted of grievous robbery and blackmail with fatal consequences.
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