Topic: - on November 28, 2002 at 11:20:11 PM CET
Dynamite bananas found behind Brazilian bars
A police investigation was under way on Wednesday after bananas filled with dynamite were found in a routine check of a Brazilian high-security prison.
Police believe the bananas, each filled with 200 grams of explosives, were going to be used in an escape attempt. The stash was found on Tuesday evening in a sewage pipe in the Bangu prison yard.
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Topic: - on November 28, 2002 at 10:49:29 PM CET
E-mail virus insults its victims
A new computer virus has managed to infect--and insult--less savvy Internet users, antivirus companies said on Wednesday. Known as Winevar, the computer worm arrives in e-mail as an attachment that infects Windows PCs when opened and displays a dialog box pronouncing, "What a foolish thing you have done!"
Despite the playful tone however, the virus is no joke.
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Topic: - on November 28, 2002 at 9:42:56 PM CET
Thanksgiving business as usual in space
Two astronauts stepped out Thursday to hook up the plumbing on the international space station's newest addition, a 45-foot (13.5-meter) high-tech beam.
It was the second spacewalk this week for shuttle Endeavour crewmen Michael Lopez-Alegria and John Herrington, the first American Indian in space.
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Topic: - on November 28, 2002 at 8:41:10 PM CET
Private TV-Sender kritisieren Marathon-Livestream des ZDF
Der Verband Privater Rundfunk und Telekommunikation e. V. (VPRT) hat das ZDF für die Internetübertragung der 26-stündigen Live-Sendung iDay scharf kritisiert. Nach Ansicht des Verbandes zeige der Fernsehsender in "erschreckender Art und Weise", wie die Beiträge der Zuschauer zweckentfremdet werden können. Der Umgang mit den Gebühren sei unverantwortlich, betonte VPRT-Sprecher Stefan Kühler gegenüber heise online.
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Topic: - on November 28, 2002 at 7:35:04 PM CET
'No conflict of interest,' as MS recruits top Brussels IT Eurocrat
In a barely-registered coup earlier this month Microsoft recruited senior European Commission official Detlef Eckert. But that's not a problem - Eckert, who it is understood will be joining The Beast on the 1st of December, "has had nothing to do with the Microsoft competition case," the FT's 'Observer' gossip column tells us, but simply "had responsibility to roll out broadband communications."
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Topic: - on November 28, 2002 at 7:32:55 PM CET
Ministers lift lid on UFO secrets
Details of a mysterious "glowing" UFO seen close to an RAF base more than 20 years ago have been released under the Freedom of Information Act. Restrictions on the Ministry of Defence's "Rendlesham File" were dropped as part of an opening-up of the inner workings of Whitehall.
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Topic: - on November 28, 2002 at 7:14:19 PM CET
jackos new hope
Face transplants 'possible within a year'
Face transplants will be technically possible within six to nine months - now the public must decide whether the procedure is ethically acceptable, says a leading UK plastic surgeon. The issue will be debated during a meeting of the British Association of Plastic Surgeons starting on Wednesday. Peter Butler of the Royal Free Hospital in London will argue that face transplantation will be the only effective way of treating some severely disfigured patients, such as those who have suffered extensive burns or facial cancer.
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Topic: - on November 28, 2002 at 6:09:01 PM CET
Zsa Zsa Gabor Said to Be in Coma
Actress Zsa Zsa Gabor was hospitalized Thursday after her vehicle struck a light pole, officials said. Her husband's spokesman said she was in a coma.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Associated Press ¬> abc ¬> CNN
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Topic: - on November 28, 2002 at 5:55:33 PM CET
World Record Digital Camera From Swiss Manufacturer Sinar: Digital Giant With A Resolution Of 22.2 Million Pixels
The Swiss manufacturer Sinar, who has been a worldwide leader in the manufacture of professional camera systems for more than 50 years, has produced an exclusive world record in cooperation with Kodak: The very first digital camera with a resolution of 22.2 million pixels!
p.s Contact: Anselm Schwyn Company: SINAR AG Title: Public Relations Manager Phone: 0-52-647-07-07 Email:
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Topic: - on November 28, 2002 at 4:35:41 PM CET
Yaa baa
The 2,000-mile Thai-Burmese border is an open sore of drug trafficking. "Yaa baa" - an innocuous looking pink pill - has created almost a million new teenage addicts within five years. Crossing Continents' Olenka Frenkiel joins an army team tracking the traffickers.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">BBC ¬> more on Yaa baa
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Topic: - on November 28, 2002 at 4:30:44 PM CET
Saddam gives ultimatum to Gulf neighbors
Saddam Hussein is warning the leaders of Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia that Baghdad is prepared to foil any U.S. military buildup in the Persian Gulf region, reports Geostrategy, the global intelligence news agency.
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Topic: BOARD NEWS - on November 28, 2002 at 12:53:43 PM CET
Aliens from mother earth ?
Take an inside look at Area 51, a.k.a. Dreamland, the world's most secret Air Base. This Web Site is the most comprehensive online source of information about Area 51, the Nellis Ranges, TTR, Black Projects and the ET Highway. The author is a part time resident of Rachel, NV, right outside the gate to Area 51 on the worlds only Extraterrestrial Highway.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank"> Dreamland
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