Topic: - on November 27, 2002 at 1:54:18 AM CET
Rat Olympics Return to Nebraska
2002 is an Olympic year, if you're a rat. Next week, the Rat Olympics return to the Lincoln campus of Nebraska Wesleyan. The rodents will be competing in all sorts of Olympic events like track, weight lifting and long jump. Trainers and their rats will be vying for gold, silver and bronze medals.
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Topic: - on November 27, 2002 at 1:51:27 AM CET
Stuffed Animal attraction for sale
A bizarre collection of stuffed animals could fetch up to £2m when it is sold by a Cornwall museum. The Museum of Curiosities is home to a menagerie of 10,000 Victorian stuffed animals. The museum, next to the Jamaica Inn on Bodmin Moor, gets about 30,000 visitors a year.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">BBC
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Topic: - on November 27, 2002 at 1:48:57 AM CET
'Prime crime' beauties steal the show
The way Laurinas Sheshkus tells it, the creative types at LNK TV were searching for a gimmick to rise above the airwaves clutter of Lithuanian television when someone proposed staging a beauty contest in the women's prison.
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Topic: - on November 27, 2002 at 1:46:45 AM CET
'The Osbournes' Enters Second Season
The Osbournes" becomes a reality show in the bleakest sense this season, as Ozzy and the kids cope with matriarch Sharon Osbourne's colon cancer. Yet as the second batch of episodes begins Tuesday, MTV also is trying to maintain the wackiness that made the series the network's biggest hit.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Associated Press
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Topic: - on November 27, 2002 at 1:28:17 AM CET
RIAA orders US Navy to surrender
By Andrew Orlowski in San Francisco
In a timely reminder of who's really in charge here, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) has mounted a daring raid on the US Navy.
Acting unilaterally at the behest of the RIAA, Navy officials confiscated 100 computers on suspicion of harboring illegally downloaded MP3s, The Capital, an Annapolis, MD daily reports. A Naval official quoted confirms the raid, adding that punishment ranges from "court martial to loss of leave and other restrictions".
¬> Academy seizes computers from nearly 100 mids
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Topic: - on November 27, 2002 at 1:25:58 AM CET
'I demand the story be taken down immediately' - RIAA
Dear Mr. Orlowski:
I have just read your story re: "RIAA orders US Navy to surrender." I am shocked by your factually inaccurate reporting. The RIAA has not, as you wrote, "mounted a daring raid on the US Navy." Your so-called reporting gives tabloid journalism a bad name!
We did send letters to colleges and universities as stated in the original story that you seemed to base your story upon. Perhaps you misread this paragraph? Or perhaps the truth is less interesting than the facts?
"Amanda Collins, a spokesman for the Recording Industry Association of America, said yesterday that the Naval Academy was among the colleges and universities around the country that were sent two letters from entertainment industry and educational associations asking them to address Internet piracy and establish policies against it.
"An Oct. 3 letter signed by four entertainment-based lobbying associations spelled out that Internet copyright infringement violates federal copyright laws. Amanda Collins, a spokesman for the Recording Industry Association of America, said yesterday that the Naval Academy was among the colleges and universities around the country that were sent two letters from entertainment industry and educational associations asking them to address Internet piracy and establish policies against it. An Oct. 3 letter signed by four entertainment-based lobbying associations spelled out that Internet copyright infringement violates federal copyright laws." We take copyright infringement seriously but at no time did we demand that the Naval Academy confiscate computers nor were we aware of their actions until a REPORTER informed us. We work hand-in-hand with colleges and universities to address internet piracy. The characterization of what happened at the Naval Academy is flat-out wrong.
Your rewriting of The Capital's story was a complete fabrication. I demand a retraction and I demand the story be taken down immediately.
Thank you.
Amy Weiss Senior VP, Communications Recording Industry Association of America 1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW
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Topic: - on November 27, 2002 at 1:23:53 AM CET
German beer drinkers are bathing in it
There are days when you feel like a bath full of beer, not just a glass, and now you can have both -- thanks to a German brewery which has developed a beer you can wash down your food with or wash down your body. Klosterbrauerei, or monastic brewery, was looking for ways to mop up excess capacity in a slumping beer market and struck upon the bathtime supplement to help tipplers soak away their stresses and strains.
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