Topic: - on November 27, 2002 at 7:48:17 PM CET
hmm Seattle marks Hendrix's 60th
The city of Seattle is marking what would have been the 60th birthday of pioneering rock guitarist Jimi Hendrix. Hendrix, famed for his outrageous live shows, died of asphyxiation after choking on his own vomit in 1970, aged 27.
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Topic: - on November 27, 2002 at 7:34:52 PM CET
Italy jet in al Qaeda hijack scare
An Italian man claiming to be a member of al Qaeda has been arrested by French police in Lyon after he tried to hijack an Alitalia flight from Bologna to Paris. Stefano Savorani, a former policeman, went to the cockpit with a remote control device and told the crew he intended to blow up the plane, which had 67 passengers and seven crewmembers on board.
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Topic: - on November 27, 2002 at 7:26:12 PM CET
Helicopter 'blows' men to safety
The crew of a police helicopter have been praised after using the aircraft to "blow to safety" two men who were drowning in a freezing river. A civilian pilot accompanied by two Northumbria Police observers used the down-draught from the force helicopter to blow the men to the banks on the River Tyne in Newcastle.
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Topic: - on November 27, 2002 at 7:19:19 PM CET
RIAA strikes cannot scan and post your CD Covers
The End Of The Audio Section
Posted by Yalko on Wednesday, November 27 2002 @ 1:19 GMT
The money hungry people at the RIAA / IFPI have made it very clear that they don't want us to host audio covers anymore. It’s all about money folks and although we are a profit free organization that runs on voluntary basis those scumbags don’t give up and want to shut us down through threatening our host.
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Topic: - on November 27, 2002 at 6:32:33 PM CET
Marijuana 'grow houses' booming
Authorities say more than 50,000 houses now used exclusively for plant cultivation The law enforcement, hydro and real estate industries -- conceding they are losing the battle against "this present and clear danger" -- came to Parliament Hill yesterday to call for an end to lax criminal sanctions against growers.
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Topic: - on November 27, 2002 at 6:26:05 PM CET
Fatwa journalist 'flees Nigeria'
Fashion writer Isioma Daniel is reported to have left Nigeria after calls for her to be killed for insulting the Prophet Mohammed. Colleagues at ThisDay newspaper say she is now in the United States, according to Reuters news agency.
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Topic: - on November 27, 2002 at 3:01:58 PM CET
Musikindustrie bittet P2P-User zur Kasse
Die dänische AntiPiratGruppen (APG) fordert von rund 150 Benutzern der Internet-Tauschbörsen eDonkey und KaZaA Schadensersatz von bis zu 14.000 Euro wegen Verstoßes gegen Urheberrechte.
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Topic: - on November 27, 2002 at 1:14:31 PM CET
Hendrix's 60th
Not much to show for legendary guitarist in hometown. Sixty years after his birth, one of the most important artists ever to emerge from Seattle is -- at least officially -- almost invisible here. There's no Jimi Hendrix Boulevard, no Hendrix Arena, no Hendrix Elementary School. The only thing the city has done to recognize the man many consider the world's greatest guitar player is to give him a rock -- in the African Savanna exhibit at the Woodland Park Zoo.
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Topic: - on November 27, 2002 at 12:48:39 PM CET
Fire rages on Japan cargo ship
A fire is raging onboard a cargo ship carrying almost 4,000 cars and thousands of gallons of fuel oil off the coast of Japan. The Hual Europe, which has been stranded off Izu Oshima since running aground two months ago, caught fire on Monday. The cause of the fire is not known.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">BBC
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Topic: - on November 27, 2002 at 12:46:25 PM CET
New female condom launched
The new design consists of a polyurethane sponge tucked inside a latex pouch.
Inventor, Dr AVK Reddy, predicts it will become "extremely successful as an Aids prevention method because of its low cost for distribution around the world".
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Topic: - on November 27, 2002 at 12:43:55 PM CET
David Copperfield Pulls Milestone Out Of His Hat
Magician David Copperfield will celebrate a milestone this weekend when he makes his 25,000th audience member disappear at a performance in Beverly Hills. The trick involves 13 randomly-selected audience members who are suspended on a platform above the audience and then disappear only to reappear in Thailand.
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Topic: - on November 27, 2002 at 12:40:40 PM CET
TV advert banned for 'offensive' cartoon of Bush
A television advertisement has been banned for poking fun at George W Bush. Its creators have been told that they must get the American president's permission if they want to be irreverent about him. When the producer of the ITV animated comedy 2DTV, asked regulators what would happen if they wanted to ridicule Osama bin Laden or Saddam Hussein, he was told he would have to obtain their "authorisation" too.
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