Topic: - on November 23, 2002 at 9:18:21 AM CET
Kennzeichen-Scanner überprüft Autos
Autokennzeichen sollen in Bayern künftig elektronisch erfasst und automatisch im Fahndungscomputer überprüft werden.
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Topic: - on November 23, 2002 at 1:49:29 AM CET
Report: Ability to grasp came first
A 56-million-year-old skeleton found in Wyoming shows that one of the earliest primate ancestors had an opposable big toe, allowing it to creep to the outermost branches of trees to hunt nuts and fruit. It also probably kept a sharp eye out to avoid becoming someone else's meal.
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Topic: - on November 23, 2002 at 1:43:54 AM CET
Ex Pastor blamed SEX image on a computer virus
Employees at Exel Inc. told police that James Andrew Smith had finished a PowerPoint slide show Sept. 4 when he tried to open another document on his laptop computer. The image of the young, nude boy appeared on screen, according to the co-workers.
Smith blamed the image on a computer virus.
Authorities later found child pornography on computer disks seized from him, according to a police report. The company also turned over 65 pages of printed child pornography allegedly found in Smith's desk.
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Topic: - on November 23, 2002 at 1:35:36 AM CET
The End of the Hardware Era?
For the past 50 years, IBM (IBM ) has perhaps been the biggest force on the planet in private-sector high-tech research. So it was no small thing when Big Blue announced on Nov. 20 that of the $17 billion it plans to spend on research and development in the next three years, a cool $1 billion will go specifically to innovations in technology services. A dedicated army of 200 R&D consultants will work with IBM's 3,000 other researchers to create new approaches to solving problems -- primarily via software.
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Topic: - on November 23, 2002 at 1:21:30 AM CET
Jet With Warpable Wings Tested
Engineers have lifted an idea from the birds, bees and brothers Wright in making the wings of a fighter jet being tested over the Mojave Desert. In nature, birds and bees morph their wings to maneuver, as did the plane flown by Orville and Wilbur Wright in their historic 1903 flights at Kitty Hawk, N.C.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank"> Associated Press
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Topic: - on November 23, 2002 at 1:18:45 AM CET
Pastor held after porn showns up in Powerpoint presentation
A 42-year-old pastor and businessman was arrested Wednesday after fellow employees told police that an image of child pornography popped up on a projection screen as he gave a PowerPoint computer presentation this fall.
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Topic: - on November 23, 2002 at 1:06:50 AM CET
Waterproof vibrator rides tidal wave of success
When the first powered vibrator arrived on Japan's shores in 1971, Takashi Eto was still making toys. Fortunately for countless numbers of women since, Japan's toy industry was undergoing something of a revolution at the time, according to Spa! (11/26). Up until then, toys had traditionally been sold in candy stores, but with the emergence of remote control and computer games, kids' playthings were starting to demand retail outlets of their own.
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Topic: - on November 23, 2002 at 1:00:02 AM CET
Exorcism after Swazi witch hunt
A church pastor has performed a ceremony to cleanse the offices of Swaziland's director of public prosecutions (DPP) in the latest twist in a court case which is threatening Africa's most traditional state.

The king is under pressure
to modernise
¬> BBC
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Topic: - on November 23, 2002 at 12:45:30 AM CET
Spam king lives large off others' e-mail troubles
You might call it the house that spam built.
Alan Ralsky's brand new 8,000-square-foot luxury home near Halsted and Maple in West Bloomfield has been a busy place this month. Outside, landscapers worked against the November cold to get a sprinkler system installed before the ground freezes. Inside, painters prepared to hang wallpaper.
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Topic: - on November 23, 2002 at 12:33:56 AM CET
Bond's Q: DVD will self-destruct in 36 hours
The resourceful Q, James Bond's chief engineer, has captured moviegoers' imaginations for decades by outfitting the secret agent with the snazziest of spy gadgets: fake fingerprints, an underwater breather, toxic pens and killer umbrellas.
But reality might be catching up with the fictional spy.
Take, for example, the self-destructing DVD.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">CNN
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