Topic: - on November 10, 2002 at 2:10:23 PM CET
Der gescheiterte Schriftsteller
Rudolf Augstein
VON MARCEL REICH-RANICKI Im Januar 1947 erschien die erste Nummer des von Rudolf Augstein herausgegebenen und redigierten SPIEGEL. Im November 1947 konnte man in diesem SPIEGEL eine Theaterkritik lesen, der ich historische, der ich höchste Bedeutung beimesse. Es ging um die Uraufführung des Dramas "Die Zeit ist nahe ..." in Hannover. Das offenbar in der Renaissance spielende "szenische Gleichnis" sei, schreibt der Rezensent, missraten. Er verspottet es - nicht ohne Witz und Humor, und er teilt den Lesern am Ende entsetzt mit, der Autor drohe "kühnerweise" mit einem neuen Stück.
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Topic: - on November 10, 2002 at 2:00:48 PM CET
Sources Say Malvo Disclosed Firing Gun
The teenager accused of participating in the sniper attacks that terrorized the Washington region has told investigators that he pulled the trigger in several of the shootings, three law enforcement sources said yesterday.
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Topic: - on November 10, 2002 at 1:06:21 PM CET
Mystery over German guerrilla's brain
The daughter of the German left-wing extremist, Ulrike Meinhof, one of the founders of the violent Red Army Faction, has claimed that her mother's brain was removed from her body for scientific investigation without the family's permission.
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Topic: - on November 10, 2002 at 12:29:34 AM CET
Half-A-Million March in Anti-War Rally in Italy
More than half a million anti-war protesters from across Europe marched through this Italian Renaissance city on Saturday in a loud and colorful demonstration denouncing any possible U.S. attack on Iraq. Brimming with anti-American feelings and riled by a tough new U.N. resolution to disarm Iraq, young and old activists from as far afield as Russia and Portugal joined forces for the carnival-like rally, singing Communist anthems and 1970s peace songs.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Reuters
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Topic: - on November 10, 2002 at 12:19:19 AM CET
Huge anti-war protest in Florence
Hundreds of thousands of protesters from across Europe joined a rally in the Italian city of Florence on Saturday to voice their opposition to any war with Iraq. The march started early because of the massive number of people who had gathered to participate.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">BBC
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Topic: - on November 10, 2002 at 12:17:31 AM CET
10 Years for Cocaine in False Leg
A Jamaican man who tried to smuggle $103,000 in cocaine into Britain in his artificial leg has been jailed for 10 years, customs officers said on Saturday.
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