Topic: - on November 8, 2002 at 11:54:58 PM CET
Last man to cross finish line of NYC Marathon
The crowds have gone home and the winners' checks have been handed out - but the last contestant of the New York Marathon won't cross the finish line until today. Lloyd Scott, a 40-year-old former fireman from England, is making the epic, weeklong trek weighted down by a 130-pound 1940s diving suit.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">NEW YORK POST
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Topic: - on November 8, 2002 at 6:06:58 PM CET
Bin Laden is alive - Interpol
Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden is alive and planning further high-profile terrorist attacks around the world, the head of Interpol has said. Ronald Noble told the French newspaper Le Figaro: ''Osama Bin Laden is alive, and on the ground the hunt for him goes on as it did on the very first day. "

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">BBC
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Topic: - on November 8, 2002 at 6:02:36 PM CET
Judge goes on leave for smoking joint at concert
District Judge Thomas Gilbert has taken an indefinite voluntary leave from his duties after he was spotted smoking marijuana at a Rolling Stones concert at Ford Field in Detroit. Haley said he interviewed an unidentified Elk Rapids woman last week who reported she witnessed Gilbert twice take a drag from a marijuana cigarette as it was passed along a row of people at the concert.
You can't always get what you want
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Topic: - on November 8, 2002 at 5:59:20 PM CET
DEAR ABBY: My daughter, "Rhonda," hosts several "soft porn" Web sites, and it upsets me greatly. She's 24 and a very bright, sweet and loving person, which is why it's so difficult for me to understand why she does this.
Rhonda earned more than $100,000 last year.
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Topic: - on November 8, 2002 at 5:55:46 PM CET
Keiko was moved Thursday to a remote Norwegian bay that his trainers hope will attract more wildlife and fewer people.
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Topic: - on November 8, 2002 at 5:52:48 PM CET
Laptop A 'Virtual Diary' Of Sniper Suspects' Travel
There's a report that a laptop computer contains strong evidence against sniper suspects John Allen Muhammad and John Lee Malvo. The New York Times reported the laptop has a "virtual diary" of the suspects' travels. It was stolen in a robbery-shooting in Maryland Sept. 5 and found in Muhammad's car when he and Malvo were captured.
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Topic: - on November 8, 2002 at 5:50:20 PM CET
Deal to put ads on police cars
Township police cars may soon have a new feature paid advertisements. ''This is serious money,'' Spaulding told The Star-Ledger of Newark for Friday's editions. ''If it's good enough for PNC Arts Center and the Continental Arena, it's worth considering.''
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Topic: - on November 8, 2002 at 5:46:42 PM CET
'Stupidity' author caught soliciting minor online
James F. Welles wrote the book on stupidity -- two, in fact -- and then he proved he knew what he was talking about, police say.
This is how they tell it: The 61-year-old author of The Story of Stupidity and Understanding Stupidity had written extensively about the dumb moves people make, so when he made a date with a 15-year-old girl he met over the Internet, he tried to be cautious.
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Topic: - on November 8, 2002 at 5:44:33 PM CET
Expert moving Internet root servers to secret location to prevent another attack
Experts have made an important change to the 13 computer servers that manage global Internet traffic, separating two of them to help better defend against the type of attack that occurred last month. Verisign Inc., which operates two of the root servers, moved one computer overnight Tuesday to a different building in an unspecified location in Virginia and onto a different part of its network, a company spokeswoman said Wednesday.
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Topic: - on November 8, 2002 at 5:41:24 PM CET
One Walks, The Other Doesn't
The former head of the cartel that dominated the world's cocaine trade walked free from prison after serving only half his sentence, despite frantic efforts by U.S. and Colombian authorities to find new charges against him to block his release.
¬> CBS
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Topic: - on November 8, 2002 at 5:36:31 PM CET
Snaps spark city drugs raid
PHOTOGRAPHS handed in to a city centre branch of Boots the chemist sparked off a major drug seizure in the Capital. Two addresses were raided after a photo lab assistant spotted what looked like cannabis plants in the background of some of the pictures and alerted the police. As a result of the raids, a total of five people have been arrested and charged with drugs offences and more than £15,500 worth of drugs recovered.
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Topic: - on November 8, 2002 at 5:34:07 PM CET
Rock solid against Spain deal
The people of Gibraltar have voted overwhelmingly to reject any agreement to give Spain joint sovereignty over the British colony. Almost 99% of voters said No to the question: "Do you approve of the principle that Britain and Spain should share sovereignty over Gibraltar?"

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">BBC
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