Topic: - on November 6, 2002 at 11:59:21 PM CET
Die Spur führt auch nach Deutschland
Mehr als 60 Millionen Euro soll ein Piratenring über das Web umgesetzt haben, der von der italienischen Polizei ausgehoben wurde. Jetzt werden Razzien in Deutschland, England, Spanien und den Niederlanden erwartet.
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Topic: DRUGS - on November 6, 2002 at 11:51:30 PM CET
Cannabis bald auf Rezept?
Cannabis als Schmerzmittel für Multiple-Sklerose-Kranke könnte in Großbritannien ab dem kommenden Jahr auf Rezept erhältlich sein. Cannabis habe sich bei der Nervenkrankheit in klinischen Tests als wirksam erwiesen, teilte der britische Pharmaproduzent GW Pharmaceuticals mit. Das Medikament werde in den Mund gesprüht und über die Mundschleimhaut aufgenommen. Anders als beim Rauchen von Cannabis löse es als Spray nur einen minimalen Rauschzustand aus. GW plane nun, zu Beginn des kommenden Jahres die Marktzulassung bei der zuständigen britischen Behörde zu beantragen.

¬><a href=""target="_blank"> Hier gehts zur Geschichte ¬> OLD SHIT
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Topic: COPYRIGHT - on November 6, 2002 at 11:36:58 PM CET
BMG forciert Kopierschutz auf Musik-CDs
Die Bertelsmann Music Group (BMG) will anscheinend keine Musik-CDs mehr ohne Kopierschutz verkaufen. Auf einer speziellen Website zu dem Thema äußert sich die Musikfirma zu der Problematik und rechtfertigt die technischen Maßnahmen. Dort heißt es, auch BMG werde "einen Kopierschutz bei digitalen Trägermedien einsetzen, wie er auch bei vergleichbaren Medien -- Computersoftware, Videospiele oder DVD -- schon lange eingesetzt wird". Bisher habe die technische Möglichkeit gefehlt, Musik-CDs und vergleichbare Produkte vor dem Kopieren zu schützen. "Dies hat sich inzwischen geändert. Verschiedene international verfügbare Kopierschutzverfahren werden derzeit in Kooperation mit Sonopress geprüft, in umfangreichen Testreihen erprobt und ständig dem neuesten Stand der Technik angepasst", heißt es weiter bei BMG.
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Topic: - on November 6, 2002 at 11:33:51 PM CET
Schwule Schafe haben andere Hirnstruktur
Beim Vergleich von hetero- und homosexuellen Widdern wollen US-Forscher Unterschiede in der Hirnstruktur ausgemacht haben. Die Entdeckung soll auch Licht in das menschliche Sexualverhalten bringen.
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Topic: - on November 6, 2002 at 1:17:13 PM CET
Seventeen die in Luxembourg crash
A plane has crashed in fog near Luxembourg airport, killing 17 of the 22 people onboard. The Luxair turboprop Fokker 50 was flying from Berlin. Four survivors have been taken to hospital. The pilot is being pulled from the wreckage and is expected to survive.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">CNN ¬> Google NEWS related articles
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Topic: - on November 6, 2002 at 1:05:44 PM CET
Twelve Dead in French Express Train Fire
Twelve people died from smoke poisoning in a fire on the Paris-Vienna express train near the eastern French city of Nancy early Wednesday, local officials said.
The victims, apparently foreigners, were traveling in two German railways sleeper cars hit by the fire, which Nancy railway staff said they noticed as the train rumbled through on its way from Paris toward Strasbourg.
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Topic: - on November 6, 2002 at 12:58:33 PM CET
US 'still opposes' targeted killings
The United States has said it still opposes Israel's policy of targeted assassinations, despite its apparent use of the same tactic to kill six al-Qaeda suspects in Yemen on Sunday. "Our policy on targeted killings in the Israeli-Palestinian context has not changed," US State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said. Mr Boucher refused to talk about the Yemen attack, but said that Washington's reasons for opposing the targeted killings of Palestinians might not apply in other circumstances.

The wrecked jeep was
taken away for inspection
¬> <a href=""target="_blank">BBC
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Topic: - on November 6, 2002 at 12:53:22 PM CET
e-bay Timothy Leary Ram Dass Signed Blotter LSD Art
Timothy Leary and Ram Dass signed and numbered sheet of LSD Blotter (undipped - contains NO drug) with photo of Leary and Ram Dass signing the sheets. This was one of Tim's last projects. The funds to be raised were to be used to maintain his web site. Mint condition. All sheets were signed on May 25th 1996 in the presence of myself (RCD), Tim's son - Zak Leary and Ram Dass, his old friend who arrived on this day to bid Tim goodbye.
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Topic: - on November 6, 2002 at 12:35:24 PM CET
Mitnick's 'Lost Chapter' Found
A missing chapter from hacker Kevin Mitnick's recent book has been published on the Internet. Mitnick said he didn't know who had posted the chapter online. E-mails to the address listed with the original post went unanswered.
"I feel pretty good about the chapter being available," Mitnick said. "For a long time I was portrayed as the Osama bin Laden of the Internet and I really wanted to be able to tell my side of the story. I wanted to be able to explain exactly what I did and what I didn't do to people who thought they knew me."
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Topic: - on November 6, 2002 at 11:37:33 AM CET
Elections - Nevada
Question 9 Marijuana
Here are the latest, unofficial returns from Nevada by county in the voting on the Question 9 Marijuana.
Nevada voters say no to legalizing pot and gay marriage
Nevada Question 9:
Marijuana Possession updated: 5:02 a.m.
Full NV
No 305,522 61%
Yes 196,361 39%
= 100% of precincts reporting votes by county or locale voter survey results.
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Topic: - on November 6, 2002 at 11:32:48 AM CET
U.S. policy on assassinations
In 1976, President Ford issued Executive Order 11905 to clarify U.S. foreign intelligence activities. The order was enacted in response to the post-Watergate revelations that the CIA had staged multiple attempts on the life of Cuban President Fidel Castro.
In a section of the order labeled "Restrictions on Intelligence Activities," Ford outlawed political assassination: Section 5(g), entitled "Prohibition on Assassination," states: "No employee of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, political assassination."
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Topic: - on November 6, 2002 at 11:19:17 AM CET
Is Linux breaking Microsoft's grip?
Open-source software gave Microsoft a one-two punch this week, with the European Union and an African nonprofit educational organization showing preference for Linux systems. The European Union awarded on Thursday a $249,000 (250,000 euro) contract to U.K.-based system-integrator Netproject to study the feasibility of moving the information systems of several member countries' governments to the Linux operating system from Microsoft's Windows OS.
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