Topic: - on September 27, 2002 at 3:34:33 PM CEST
Hollywood still out of ideas
1 Lloyd Whole Hog on Easy Rider Sequel
2 New Superman movie, Keanu replacing Christopher Reeves
3 Rocky Horror Picture Show 2003
4 Back on Beat "Starsky & Hutch"
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Topic: - on September 27, 2002 at 3:28:36 PM CEST
Record Labels Seek OK for Online Music Sabotage
Frustrated by the continuing presence of free music on the Internet, the recording industry asked for Congress' blessing on Thursday to gum up the online networks they blame for slowing their sales. Congress is considering expanded legal protection for record labels who resort to sabotage in their ongoing battle with "peer to peer" networks that allow users to freely trade music, movies and other copyrighted material.
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Topic: - on September 27, 2002 at 3:23:43 PM CEST
Military seeks to control riots with calming drugs
The U.S. military is exploring ways to use drugs such as Valium to calm people without killing them during riots or other crowd control situations where lethal weapons are inappropriate. Some critics say the effort violates international treaties and federal laws against chemical weapons, an allegation the military denies.
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Topic: - on September 27, 2002 at 3:19:49 PM CEST
Natural blondes are an endangered species and will be extinct by 2202
There are too few people carrying the blonde gene for the hair colour to continue down the generations. So women and men with blonde hair, blonde eyebrows and blue eyes will vanish from the face of the earth within 200 years, says the World Health Organisation. Researchers predict the last blonde will live in FINLAND which has the highest number of true blondes in the world.

¬><a href=" "target="_blank"> SUN ¬> BBC
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Topic: - on September 27, 2002 at 2:27:41 PM CEST
Takara launches gadget to convert dogs' emotions into words
Toy maker Takara Co said Friday it has launched a device it says can analyze dogs' emotions and convert them into Japanese expressions. The device, called "Bowlingual," classifies a dog's barks into six emotional categories such as happy, sad, angry and intimidated by analyzing the animal's voice patterns, which a small microphone hooked up to the dog's collar records.

¬><a href=""target="_blank"> Japan Today
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Topic: - on September 27, 2002 at 2:19:01 PM CEST
Please let him say he is creating a Department of Precrime! Mr. Ashcroft is scary as s*%t!"

¬><a href=" "target="_blank"> PRECRIME
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Topic: - on September 27, 2002 at 2:05:23 PM CEST
Party-Droge schädigt das Gehirn. Feste feiern und dabei ein paar bunte Pillen einwerfen - für manche Jugendlichen scheint daran nichts Schlimmes zu sein. Doch auch wenn Ecstasy auf den ersten Blick keine schädliche Wirkung zeigt, ist die Droge alles andere als harmlos. Schon eine einzige unter starkem Ecstasy-Einfluss durchtanzte Nacht kann offenbar dauerhaft das Gehirn der Konsumenten schädigen. Wie US-amerikanische Mediziner im Wissenschaftsmagazin "Science" berichten, kann die Partydroge das Risiko, in späteren Jahren an schweren neurologischen Störungen zu erkranken, deutlich steigern. Darauf deuteten Versuche an Totenkopfäffchen und Pavianen hin.

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Topic: - on September 27, 2002 at 2:01:49 PM CEST
Konsum als Bürgerpflicht
In Krisenzeiten gilt: Bloß nicht sparen, sondern ab ins nächste Kaufhaus - eine Frankfurter Ausstellung feiert mit viel Ironie das "Shopping". Auch ein Museumschef muss sich mal einen Spaß erlauben dürfen: Max Hollein, Leiter der Frankfurter Kunsthalle Schirn, verschickt statt der üblichen Broschüren neuerdings lustig bedruckte Plastiktüten. Zudem lässt er demnächst die Türen seines renommierten Hauses verhüllen und auf Plakaten ankündigen, hier ziehe ein Auktionshaus ein.
¬><a href=""target="_blank"> SPIEGEL
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Topic: - on September 27, 2002 at 1:30:04 PM CEST
Four years ago, Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin incorporated their fledgling startup. The reason? So they could cash a $100,000 personal check that had been sitting in Page's desk drawer for a couple of weeks. As Stanford graduate students, Page and Brin had been working together on a search engine they called "BackRub" since early 1996. By 1998, with the encouragement of Yahoo! co-founder David Filo, they decided to start a company, and went looking for investors to back them.

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Topic: - on September 27, 2002 at 1:24:31 PM CEST
Vibrating Pen Gets Female Workforce Buzzing
The writing is on the wall for women in the workplace: They now have access to a ball-point pen that doubles as a vibrator. Although the so-called "Vibra Pen" works just like a standard Mont Blanc style pen, the other end features a textured ball that vibrates when placed against an object.
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Topic: - on September 27, 2002 at 1:22:10 PM CEST
Iraq condemns US raid
A civilian airport and radar system in Basra, southern Iraq, were targets of an American air strike early on Thursday, according to Iraq. Iraq satellite TV, quoting a senior ministerial official, said the "terrorist act" contravened international laws which Iraq had respected by registering the radar in 2001.
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Topic: - on September 27, 2002 at 1:18:44 PM CEST
e-bay 1989 Batmobile, "Batman Returns" Car
The first major movie release of Batman came in 1989. For it and the next movie, Batman Returns, an all-new Batmobile was created. This car was a dramatic change from the Batmobile most people were used to seeing, that being the 1960's era television version.

¬><a href=" "target="_blank"> e-bay
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