Wednesday, 25. September 2002

Brazilian Womans Soccer Team - Free porn

ein bild kennen wir ja alle aber das!!!! Die ganze Playboy ausgabe


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IKEA Crazy

The Spike Jonze ad that almost makes IKEA cool. Like most ad-watchers in the real world, I'm generally not that interested in who directed a particular commercial. But one director whose commercial work does interest me is Spike Jonze.


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GIVE PEACE a chance

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Masturbate for Peace - Free porn

  1. It's too hot to go outside and demonstrate
  2. If I go blind they can't draft me
  3. The walls need painting white anyway
  4. This is my weapon...this is my gun...this one's for shootin....oh, never mind.
  5. If you want it done right you have to do it yourself
  6. All the lube will give me a baby-soft dork
  7. It may be the only "peace" I'll be getting for a while
  8. If I use my left hand, it feels like someone else has joined my cause
  9. What else am I going to do with the 80 GB of porn on my PC?
  10. Because I can't give myself a peace blowjob


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Internetadresse: Staat klagt auf Herausgabe Ein kurioser Rechtsstreit wird derzeit wegen einer Internetadresse ausgefochten. Ein Leibnitzer Internetberater hatte sich die Internetadresse gesichert, woraufhin ihn der Staat Österreich geklagt hat.

Registrant ID: C2543534-LRMS
Registrant Name: Klaus Eurofighter
Registrant Organization: Ministry of Internet
Registrant Street1: Draken hin 5
Registrant Street2: P.O. Box 4711
Registrant City: Kampala - Somewhere City
Registrant State/Province: Bombo
Registrant Postal Code: 4711
Registrant Country: UG
Registrant Phone: +256.12341234

¬> WHOIS ¬> ORF ¬> futurezone ¬> derStandard
¬> kapcon HP

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Saddam Could Launch a Pop Career In Months

British Prime Minister today released his long-awaited dossier containing alleged evidence that Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein is just "months away" from launching an international pop career. Speaking in the House of Commons, Mr Blair said the 50-page report, based on intelligence and Smash Hits inspectors' reports, showed Iraq's instruments of global pop music programme was "active, detailed and growing."

¬> theSchmews

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Geplanten Bankraub verschlafen

Kurioser Einsatz der Gendarmerie-Sondereinheit Cobra gestern in Graz: Die Beamten nahmen einen betrunkenen "fast"-Bankräuber fest. Auffälliger Pkw Einem Passanten war aufgefallen, dass ein in Graz geparktes Auto vorne und hinten unterschiedliche Kennzeichen hatte, und verständigte die Polizei.


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Woman falls for Nigerian scam, steals $2.1m from law firm

The 59-year-old woman received a fax from one Dr. Mbuso Nelson of the Ministry of Mining in Pretoria, South Africa, asking for help in getting a cool $18m transferred to the US. We all know what comes next: the hapless victim set up a bank account, only to be told that certain expenses had to be met. Fuelled by greed and stupidity in equal measure, the woman dutifully wired huge sums to accounts in South Africa and Taiwan. Cue popping champagne corks in expensive Lagos restaurants.

¬><a href=""target="_blank"> THE REGISTER

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The seventh World Barrel Rolling Competition

Saturday's race, part of Burton Beer Festival, attracted 37 teams, including Roger Cookson and Malcolm Stafford, of Burton business Crestchic Ltd, pictured in their hula-girl costumes.

¬><a href=" "target="_blank"> EVENING TELEGRAPH

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The Partnership For A Drug Free America

isn't an organization I know terribly much about. I don't know if the organization has an office, a 'president,' or if it's just a tagword title tacked onto any specific group's anti-drug credo. What most people have seen from them are an assortment of creative commercial announcements over the years, exposing the evils of drug use.

¬> x-entertainment

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Agents buy heroin but find out it's TNT

Federal agents, working on a tip from an informant, were all set to buy 3 kilos of heroin Thursday at a Town of Evans motel. But when they tested samples to make sure they were getting the real thing, they got a big surprise.

¬> The Buffalo News

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Austrian lingerie poster too racy for New Yorkers

A new advertising poster by Austrian lingerie company Wolford has been banned from Times Square in New York for being too sexy.

¬><a href=""target="_blank"> Orange

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