Topic: - on September 19, 2002 at 1:09:35 PM CEST
Heute vor 95 Jahren
Heute vor 95 Jahren begann in Wien der internationale Tuberkulosekongress.
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Topic: - on September 19, 2002 at 12:55:53 PM CEST
NASA Scientists Use Satellites to Distinguish Human Pollution from Other Atmospheric Particles
Driven by precise new satellite measurements and sophisticated new computer models, a team of NASA researchers is now routinely producing the first global maps of fine aerosols that distinguish plumes of human-produced particulate pollution from natural aerosols.

¬><a href=""target="_blank"> NASA
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Topic: - on September 19, 2002 at 12:49:49 PM CEST
FBI warns of planes being used as terror weapons
The FBI is repeating an advisory that aircraft could be used again as terrorist weapons and warns of new methods hijackers could use to sneak explosives aboard jetliners.

¬> CNN
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Topic: - on September 19, 2002 at 12:49:45 PM CEST
Hilferufe im virtuellen Raum
Die Hilferufe sind selten zaghaft und leise, sondern meist eindringlich und kaum zu überhören. In zahlreichen Suizidforen und Chaträumen im Internet wird über Selbstmordgedanken und Suizidmethoden diskutiert: ohne ärztliche Begleitung und in einer direkten und schonungslosen Sprache. Ärzte und Psychiater sind sich einig, dass die Seiten für depressiv Erkrankte nicht zu unterschätzende Gefahren bergen.
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Topic: - on September 19, 2002 at 12:45:17 PM CEST
Mystery Music Stops Paris Opera
Phantom of the opera? Maria Callas returning on the 25th anniversary of her death? Perhaps not, but strange voices could be heard in the Opera Garnier on Monday evening as a production of Handel's "Giulio Cesare" opened the 2002-3 season. With the public soon becoming restless, a voice from the audience finally asked loudly, "Can't someone stop that?"
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Topic: - on September 19, 2002 at 4:29:16 AM CEST
MTV hat "The Osbournes"...wir haben "Die Lugners"!!!
ATV startet Mini-Soap "Die Lugners" Mörtel, Mausi und Jaqueline wüten ab 23. September im Privat-TV. "Das Publikumsinteresse nach ‚The Osbournes’ spricht für sich", so Alexander Oth, Geschäftsführer des für ATV produzierenden Unternehmens On-Media. "Was lag also näher als mit ‚Die Lugners’ die erste deutschsprachige Personality-Soap zu starten?" Keine andere Familie verfüge über einen annähernden Bekanntheitsgrad in Österreich, so Oth. Die ohnedies nie sehr medienscheue Familie wird das Publikum nun mit Alltagsszenen aus dem Tunesienurlaub, dem Besuch im Sexshop, Mausis Besuch beim Zahnarzt und anderen heimeligen Erlebnissen beglücken. Ob dies für die Quote förderlich ist, wird sich zeigen. Sollte die Mini-Serie erfolgreich sein, ist eine Fortsetzung (nicht notwendigerweise mit der Familie Lugner) denkbar.

¬><a href=""target="_blank"> ATV
¬><a href=""target="_blank">
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Topic: - on September 19, 2002 at 3:12:22 AM CEST
Windows XP SP1 – Updating Tips and Tricks HERE
Of course, if you are one of those good folks who have a legit version of Windows, you can skip this section and jump straight to the installation of the Service Pack. The program we will use to change your serial key is readily available all over the Internet - For simplicity purposes we mirrored the file on our servers for download – The author of this program and TweakTown have no connection. Download the Serial Key Changer program and Viewer here. YES THERE : )
¬><a href=" "target="_blank"> TWEAKDOWN
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Topic: - on September 19, 2002 at 2:53:16 AM CEST
MS silently fixes password sniffing bug with XP SP1
Keystrokes, including passwords, can be sniffed when using Windows Terminal Server or the XP remote control feature. MS has rolled a fix silently into SP1 without making any public statement on this serious problem.
... Link
Topic: - on September 19, 2002 at 1:49:35 AM CEST
Egyptian Pyramid Rover Finds... Another Door
Researchers who spent a year planning the exploration of a shaft in Egypt’s Great Pyramid stumbled on another mystery when they finally took a look beyond a mysterious door — and found yet another door. The discovery might mean another year of work and new technology.

A video excerpt from the National Geographic Channel provides a robot's-eye view of what lies behind door No. 1 at the end of a mysterious shaft deep within the Great Pyramid.
¬><a href=""target="_blank"> VIDEO
¬> BBC
¬> Discovery
¬> IOL
¬> VOA
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Topic: - on September 19, 2002 at 1:32:31 AM CEST
Austrian far-right picks new chief
Austria's far-right Freedom Party has chosen a low-profile minister to lead it into an upcoming general election. Mathias Reichhold, transport minister in the outgoing coalition, was appointed after Joerg Haider, the controversial former leader who once praised Adolf Hitler's employment policies, turned down the chance to lead the party again.
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Topic: - on September 19, 2002 at 1:18:35 AM CEST
Cocaine bust at Heathrow
Cocaine with a street value of £5m has been found hidden in the roof lining of a plane's baggage container at Heathrow airport.

¬><a href=""target="_blank"> BBC
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Topic: - on September 19, 2002 at 1:15:35 AM CEST
Afghan airline resumes flights to Western Europe after 20 years
Afghanistan's national airline resumed flights to Western Europe on Wednesday after a 20-year hiatus. The Ariana Airlines Airbus 300 stopped first in Damascus, Syria. At the second stop on the way to Frankfurt, the plane was met at Istanbul's Ataturk Airport with a welcoming ceremony from Turkish aviation officials.
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