Topic: - on September 18, 2002 at 11:08:17 AM CEST
Austria's Political Shift
Most Austrians, and indeed most Europeans, are deeply relieved that Jörg Haider's rightist Freedom Party will soon be out of power after the collapse of its coalition with the center-right Austrian People's Party. But the downside is that Austrians will have to wait longer for tax cuts and other important reforms.
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Topic: - on September 18, 2002 at 11:06:21 AM CEST
Austria's far-right in disarray
The executive committee of Austria's far-right Freedom Party is holding a crisis meeting after Joerg Haider's decided not to become its leader for a second time. Austria's ruling coalition collapsed last week after Haider led a revolt with the Freedom Party, which entered government with the conservative People's Party in 2000.
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Topic: - on September 18, 2002 at 11:03:40 AM CEST
Hail of whistles and ovations accompany Haider’s appearance at the Lihga
The reception couldn’t have been more varied: on his way to the marquee, the guest speaker at the Lihga 2002, Jörg Haider, was booed; his speech, however, earned the head of the Austrian province of Corinthia keen applause. Opponents as well as supporters made it a point to welcome the head of the province of Corinthia. About 30 of them did so with loud whistles, some 400 with enthusiastic applause. Haider showed little surprise about the whistles. "I’m used to this. Some work, others whistle."
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Topic: - on September 18, 2002 at 11:01:33 AM CEST
Leader of Austria's Right Cites Threats as Reason for Quitting
Of all the theatrical turns taken by the Austrian right-winger Jörg Haider, perhaps none was so astonishing as the explanation he offered today for his decision not to reclaim the helm of his Freedom Party.
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Topic: - on September 18, 2002 at 10:52:05 AM CEST
Austria Official's Family Threatened
Rightist politician Joerg Haider says threats to his family sparked his decision not to resume leadership of the Freedom Party. Haider announced Saturday that he was not interested in leading the Freedom Party into new elections, despite agreeing to do so days earlier.
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Topic: - on September 18, 2002 at 3:11:56 AM CEST
Kann ein Bayer Kanzler werden?
Diese Frage beherrschte die deutsche Innenpolitik schon vor der Kanzlerkandidatur-Entscheidung in der Union zwischen Edmund Stoiber und Angela Merkel.

<a href=""target="blank">¬> Hier gehts zur Geschichte
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