Topic: - on September 14, 2002 at 12:34:16 AM CEST
Der Smiley feiert Geburtstag :-)
Jetzt wurde die Nachricht mit dem angeblich ersten Emoticon-Smiley auf einem 20 Jahre alten Backup-Tape wieder entdeckt. Mit geradezu archäologischem Aufwand machten sich Jones und einige ehemalige Kollegen an die "Bergung" des ersten Smileys.

¬><a href=""target="_blank"> FUTUREZONE ORF
19-Sep-82 11:44 Scott E Fahlman :-)
From: Scott E Fahlman
I propose that the following character sequence for joke markers:
Read it sideways. Actually, it is probably more economical to mark things that are NOT jokes, given current trends. For this, use
A Microsoft researcher has apparently rediscovered the first known computerized instance of a "smiley," the combination of characters used to signify a smile in e-mail and on bulletin boards.>
First ever smiley found, preserved for posterity
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Topic: - on September 14, 2002 at 12:11:27 AM CEST
Outdoor Sex Etiquette
Sex in the outdoors can potentially have a severe impact on an otherwise pristine wilderness area. First consider the visual impact. Imagine the consternation of someone who comes walking over a ridge and sees the natural wonder of a magnificent vista blotted by a couple of people having sex in a high alpine meadow. Yuck!

¬><a href=""target="_blank"> OUTDOOR
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