Topic: - on September 13, 2002 at 11:48:03 PM CEST
It's a Pack of Gum? A Lighter? Nope, an MP3 Player
The Nomad MuVo, a digital music player and file-storage device from Creative, is a nifty gadget. Unlike most peripherals, it requires no cable to connect to a computer. Its core — smaller than a pack of gum — plugs directly into a U.S.B. port and acts as an additional drive. No file-transfer software is needed, and for Windows XP, 2000 and Me and Mac OS 9 and X, no drivers are needed either.

¬><a href=""target="_blank"> MuVo
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Topic: - on September 13, 2002 at 7:57:37 PM CEST
AIBO kommt in den Einzelhandel
Bisher war Sonys AIBO nur per offizieller Website oder telefonisch zu erwerben, nun soll der für Unterhaltungs-, aber auch Forschungszwecke genutzte Roboterhund auch "in ausgewählten Einzelhandelsgeschäften" zum Kauf angeboten werden. Beide aktuellen Modelle AIBO ERS-210 (silber) und ERS-220 (futuristisches Design) sollen über den neuen Handelskanal in Kürze verfügbar sein.

¬><a href=""target="_blank"> GOLEM
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Topic: - on September 13, 2002 at 7:39:08 PM CEST
Pyotr Simonenko, the leader of the Ukrainian Communist Party released a sensational statement on Wednesday. In his words, there were 2400 nuclear warheads in Ukraine, although the export of only 2200 of them was officially documented. Simonenko claimed that nobody knows where 200 Soviet-era nukes in Ukraine are.
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Topic: - on September 13, 2002 at 7:27:03 PM CEST
Far-Right Austrian Leader Faces Uphill Battle
Controversial Austrian politician Joerg Haider has return to lead his Freedom Party shortly ahead of new parliamentary elections. But polls indicate the right-wingers won't repeat their success of three years ago.

¬><a href=""target="_blank"> DW - WORLD
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Topic: - on September 13, 2002 at 12:27:51 PM CEST
SPAM wer hat nicht genug davon ?
das konzept finde ich gut ist aber noch in beta:
POPFile Engine v0.4
Acts as a full POP3 proxy between your email client and email server intercepting incoming mail sorting it and classifying it.
POPFile streams incoming mail through a filter and then into a text classification engine that classifies the mail into one of any number of buckets that you define.
POPFile also optimizes download speed. By sorting mail into ascending order of size downloads seem much faster on slow connections.
POPFile automatically removes forged X-Text-Classification headers so that spammers can't use the system against you.
1,66 MB
Things are moving along and I've now split POPFile into three tracks.
1. POPFile Engine
This is the POPFile POP3 proxy that you've been hearing about and then you can get from
- POPFile Server
Currently under development is a multi-user server side version of POPFile.
- AutoFile
AutoFile is a native plug-in for a mail client that does not require a POP3 proxy, requires no configuration and does automatic mail sorting based on the current folder structure present in the mail client. The first version of AutoFile is a native plug-in for Outlook XP that works regardless of the underlying connection to the mail server (POP3, IMAP or Exchange) and does automatic mail sorting.
It's available for beta testing from Run setup.exe to install and you should see a new AutoFile and Learn toolbar in Outlook.
For AutoFile help, suggestions, rants and raves contact me on
Cheers, John.
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Topic: - on September 13, 2002 at 12:16:04 PM CEST
Helping Computers Help Themselves
The IT world's heavy hitters—IBM, Sun, Microsoft, and HP—want computers to solve their own problems.
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Topic: - on September 13, 2002 at 12:11:57 PM CEST
New Webcam Promises Spectacular View of Space Shuttle Launch
The STS-112 mission, scheduled for launch on 2 October 2002, will have a live camera in a place where none has been placed before: on the Shuttle's large External Tank (ET).

¬><a href=""target="_blank"> PRESSE MELDUNG
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Topic: - on September 13, 2002 at 11:57:59 AM CEST
Photos of Rumored New iPAQ
A Dutch Pocket PC site has posted some real-world photos of what appears to be a new iPAQ, confirming rumors that have been swirling in recent weeks. Among the juiciest tidbits: a "mouth-level" microphone that might indicate phone features; a built-in antenna (as seen in the photos) that's rumored to support 802.11b, Bluetooth and GSM (the three LEDs below the antenna lend some credence to this theory); and a smaller form factor than current iPAQs.
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Topic: - on September 13, 2002 at 11:54:05 AM CEST
ür alle Brotkastenfetischisten: leckere Flash-Seite von Alpha-Flight 1970 mit vielen netten gimmicks+infos

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Topic: - on September 13, 2002 at 10:49:26 AM CEST
This database lets you find addresses of over 5000 international art galleries. Some entries provide additional information on the gallery, like opening hours or a link to its homepage.

¬><a href=""target="_blank"> ArtAtlas
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Topic: - on September 13, 2002 at 10:24:54 AM CEST
Traffic Patterns for August 2002
Nearly 46 million Americans accessed the Web at work during August 2002, representing a 17 percent increase over the same time last year, Nielsen//NetRatings revealed. According to hour-by-hour analysis from Nielsen//NetRatings, online usage at-work begins at 8 a.m. and tailors off around 4 p.m., with peak hours between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m., and overall usage climbing to 86 percent. In contrast, the primetime hours of surfing at-home increase in the afternoon and hit a peak at 8 p.m., reaching 58 percent of Web usage.
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Topic: - on September 13, 2002 at 8:08:38 AM CEST
Hobby-Astronom entdeckt unbekannten Besucher
Ein mysteriöses Objekt befindet sich im Orbit der Erde. Über Art und Ursprung des Gebildes wurde viel spekuliert.

<a href=""target="blank"<font color="#0000FF"¬>¬> Hier gehts zur Geschichte
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