Topic: - on September 10, 2002 at 11:51:41 PM CEST
Der fidele Bärentaler
singt seine schönsten Hits :)
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Topic: - on September 10, 2002 at 11:04:20 PM CEST
Building a digital picture frame from a PowerBook Duo 270c/280c
Since an attractive and inexpensive digital picture frame has yet to hit the market, I decided to build my own using a PowerBook Duo 280c and the frame of my choosing.

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Topic: - on September 10, 2002 at 10:00:01 PM CEST
Adds More Than 5 Million Criminal Records To Its National Database. users now have access to criminal records from 37 states and 24 metro areas, reinforcing the company’s status as the largest source of criminal records on the Internet. The Memphis-based company is the largest private owner of criminal records in the nation, and its new National Criminal Index (NCI) search is the fastest and most powerful tool now available to the private sector.
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Topic: - on September 10, 2002 at 9:36:07 PM CEST
Court allows Greek gamers to play on
A court in Greece has thrown out the case against two internet cafe owners accused of breaking a law banning computer games.The law has been criticised for not making a distinction between interactive gambling and computer games.
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Topic: - on September 10, 2002 at 9:30:55 PM CEST
Eurofighter purchase postponed by Austria
ahead of early elections. Austria announced it is delaying the controversial purchase of a fleet of Eurofighter planes following the call for early elections, expected to be held before the end of the year. Defence Minister Herbert Scheibner of the extreme right Freedom Party said that even if the current government signed a contract with Eurofighter, a future government would not be bound to go ahead with the estimated 1.8 billion euro deal.
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Topic: - on September 10, 2002 at 8:57:55 PM CEST
Uzi Gal inventor of Uzi weapon died at age 79
Relatives said Gal died Saturday in Philadelphia. He will be buried Thursday in Kibbutz Yagur, a collective farm near Haifa where he lived for many years. The 9mm weapon has became a mainstay of armies and secret services from Jerusalem to Washington. It has also proven popular among criminals in many countries and has appeared in many action movies.
¬><a href="¬> CNN
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Topic: - on September 10, 2002 at 8:34:08 PM CEST
Star Wars: Clones' coming to Imax
Twentieth Century Fox is cloning an Imax version of "Star Wars: Episode II -- Attack of the Clones," and the studio predicts mega-resolution visuals will stoke big interest when re-formatted prequel unspools November 1 in more than 70 giant-screen theaters, Variety reports.
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Topic: - on September 10, 2002 at 8:12:40 PM CEST
Moon dust stolen from Swedish museum
Four grains of moon dust brought to Earth by the first manned lunar mission were stolen from a space exhibit in Sweden, a museum official said Saturday. The dust was collected by astronauts during the Apollo 11 mission in 1969 and presented to Sweden as a gift by President Nixon a year later.
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Topic: - on September 10, 2002 at 8:10:07 PM CEST
Haider blamed as government collapses
Chancellor Wolfgang Schüssel of Austria announced new elections yesterday to prevent hard-liners from the far-Right Freedom Party from seizing ministerial posts.
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Topic: - on September 10, 2002 at 8:02:48 PM CEST
Party split collapses government in Austria
Austria's chancellor on Monday called for new elections to end a political crisis after four key leaders of the Freedom Party resigned, saying a conflict with far-rightist Joerg Haider had made the party's work impossible. The crisis was triggered by a split in the Freedom Party, which makes up the ruling coalition along with the center-right People's Party, into two hostile camps: one in support of Vice Chancellor Susanne Riess-Passer and the other in support of Haider, its previous leader.
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Topic: - on September 10, 2002 at 7:17:42 PM CEST
FPÖ-Website unter Beschuss
Seit mehr als 36 Stunden wird die Website der FPÖ durch enormen Verkehr in die Knie gezwungen. Seiten werden dadurch unvollständig oder gar nicht angezeigt, teilweise löst sich die Site beim Durchklicken ganz auf. Wie wir erfahren konnten, trafen heute, Dienstag, um 12.00 Uhr Mittag bis zu 1.000 Requests pro Sekunde ein. Im Zehnminutenschnitt sind es immer noch 40.000, das sei "schon relativ hoch für normalen Datenverkehr", ist aus der FPÖ-Zentrale zu hören.

¬> ORF
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Topic: - on September 10, 2002 at 11:15:53 AM CEST
sweet lullaby
Das gute alte Schlaflied kann auch Erwachsenen den nötigen Schlummer bescheren. Kanadische Wissenschaftler haben nun herausgefunden, dass die Musik des eigenen Körpers das Einschlafen erleichtert und den Schlaf länger macht.

<a href=""target="blank">¬>Hier gehts zum Schlaflied
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