Topic: - on September 6, 2002 at 7:44:13 PM CEST
Laser Turntable
Because the LT makes no actual physical contact with your vinyl records, the LT reproduces audio exactly as it is recorded in the grooves of the record. This level of sound reproduction is not possible with a turntable using a cartridge (or needle). Any kind of cartridge on a standard turntable, no matter how expensive it may be, still makes physical contact with the grooves in the recording.

¬><a href="<
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Topic: - on September 6, 2002 at 7:19:25 PM CEST
Tupac Shakur's Murder
Six years after rapper Tupac Shakur was killed in an unsolved drive-by shooting in Las Vegas, the Los Angeles Times on Friday identified his arch-rival, Notorious B.I.G., as a key player in the crime. Notorious B.I.G., whose real name was Christopher Wallace, was himself gunned down in Los Angeles the following year.

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Topic: W A R - on September 6, 2002 at 7:10:28 PM CEST
U.N. Nuclear Experts Detect Changes at Iraqi Sites
U.N. experts studying satellite photos of Iraq have identified new construction at several sites linked in the past to Baghdad's development of nuclear weapons, U.N. officials said Friday. But the experts said they could not draw any conclusions on the significance of the changes at these sites until U.N. weapons inspectors can get in to see them on the ground.
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Topic: W A R - on September 6, 2002 at 4:20:14 PM CEST
100 jets join attack on Iraq
The raid appeared to be a prelude to the type of special forces operations that would have to begin weeks before a possible American-led war. It was launched two days before a war summit between President George W Bush and Tony Blair in America.
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Topic: - on September 6, 2002 at 4:04:35 PM CEST
Britische und US-Kampfflugzeuge greifen irakische Stellungen an
Das britische Verteidigungsministerium hat Angriffe britischer und amerikanischer Kampfflugzeuge auf strategisch wichtige Luftabwehrstellungen des Irak im Westen des Landes bestätigt.
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Topic: - on September 6, 2002 at 12:09:59 PM CEST
Winzige Giftqualle lässt Forscher rätseln
Sie ist keine drei Zentimeter groß - und hat seit Jahresbeginn in Australien mindestens einen Urlauber getötet. Biologen fordern die genauere Erforschung der Irukandji-Qualle, die Tauchparadiese heimsucht.

¬> <a href=""target="blank">Zur Qualle
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Topic: MUSIK - on September 6, 2002 at 11:45:45 AM CEST
Il Canto di Malavita: the folk music of organised crime
The mournful tunes and the acoustic guitar, mandolin, and accordion sound give the aural impression of being pretty standard Italian folk music. The collection is the work of Mimmo Siclari, who recorded and collected these performances. But armed with the lyric sheet, you will discover that these songs are largely concerned with bloodshed, the laments of prisoners, and the fearsome reputations of local crime families. Knowing what the words mean turns the mournful folk melodies into a more compelling experience.
Die Veröffentlichung der zweiten Folge der Malavita-Musik, »Omertà, Onuri e Sangu - La Musica della Mafia Vol. 2« hat eine umfassende Neustrukturierung der Malavita-Homepage erforderlich gemacht.
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Topic: - on September 6, 2002 at 11:41:34 AM CEST
Madonna Nackt mit 20
1978 . Madonna tiene 20 añitos.
Primeras fotos de madonna publicadas en una revista 1985.
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Topic: - on September 6, 2002 at 11:29:34 AM CEST
Coca Spraying Poses No Risk to Colombians, U.S. Declares
The American-financed aerial destruction of coca crops in Colombia meets United States regulatory standards and does not endanger people or the environment, the State Department said today in a report to Congress.That determination, which was immediately deplored by some environmental groups, could free money from Congress for an aggressive advance in the effort to eradicate coca at its source. The department has set a goal of killing up to 300,000 acres of coca this year, 30 percent more than last year.
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Topic: - on September 6, 2002 at 11:19:01 AM CEST
Tax cut row rocks Austria far-right
Ministers from Austria's far-right Freedom Party have threatened to resign in an internal row over tax cuts, putting the country's coalition government at risk. The party has been split between figurehead ex-leader Joerg Haider on the one hand, and current leaders and ministers on the other.

¬><a href=""target="_blank"> BBC
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Topic: - on September 6, 2002 at 11:16:00 AM CEST
Austria's coalition on the brink
Austria's coalition government looked in danger of collapsing yesterday after prominent members of the rightwing Freedom party threatened to resign in a dispute about tax cuts. The party's leader and vice-chancellor, Susanne Riess-Passer, the finance minister, Karl-Heinz Grasser, and other FPO ministers said they would step down if nearly 400 loyalists of its de facto leader, Jörg Haider, forced the government into cutting taxes.
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Topic: - on September 6, 2002 at 11:04:13 AM CEST
Beer Festivals / BIER FESTIVALS
I don't drink beer, but if you do you might find this site interesting.

¬><a href=""target="_blank"> FESTIVALS SEPTEMBER
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