Topic: - on September 3, 2002 at 1:28:35 AM CEST
MP3 codecs no longer free for GPL use
There's a nice controversy brewing over a semantic change in Thomson Multimedia's MP3 licensing policy which has got the open-source community's knickers in a twist. According to an open letter to Thompson from CEO Emmett Plant, an exemption from regular licensing fees for GPL'd software has just been withdrawn.
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Topic: - on September 3, 2002 at 1:19:45 AM CEST
Some say Ogg Vorbis is better and cheaper than MP3
It's a measure of our national geekification that the term MP3 has entered our common speech. Millions of us collect legal or illegal music files, encoded in the MP3 digital format and then burned onto compact discs or distributed over the Internet. But MP3 isn't the last word in digital music, far from it. It's actually a fairly old technology, and more expensive than most people realize. That's why we soon may add a new and even geekier term to our technical vocabulary: Ogg Vorbis.
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Topic: SCIENCE - on September 3, 2002 at 1:01:48 AM CEST
US-Bastler wollen Rakete ins All schießen
Die US-Luftfahrtbehörde hat einer Gruppe von Weltraumbegeisterten Starterlaubnis erteilt: Noch in diesem Monat soll ihr zusammengebasteltes Geschoss als erste Amateur-Rakete ins All vordringen.

<a href=""target="blank">Hier gehts zur Geschichte
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