Topic: - on September 3, 2002 at 11:56:40 PM CEST
Looping lecturer smashes roller coaster record
Dedicated roller coaster fan Richard Rodriguez has broken his fifteenth world record as he succeeded in spending 104 days taking the curves of one of the world's largest big dippers."It got more difficult to ride and ride because of the muscle fatigue with all the G-force. It wears you down a bit," said Rodriguez, a lecturer at the Loyola University Chicago, as he stepped down from the ride in Hassloch's Holiday Park on which he has spent 10 hours a day since mid-May.

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Topic: - on September 3, 2002 at 11:39:09 PM CEST
HELLO .... my name is TUROK
Five people have changed their names by deed poll to that of computer-game character "Turok" in a new marketing ploy that aims to turn people into living adverts, according to the company pioneering the scheme.Everything from their passports to their telephone bills will now simply carry the name of the hero of a cult dinosaur-hunter computer game.
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Topic: - on September 3, 2002 at 10:53:21 PM CEST
The full top 10: Hoax virus warnings and spam scams
Here's what's been fooling email users this summer...
- Budweiser frogs
- 'A virtual card for you'
- Hotmail hoax
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Topic: - on September 3, 2002 at 10:52:33 PM CEST
Napster's Future Could Be Determined Today
Napster CFO Carolyn Jensen, appearing Friday in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Delaware, warned that failure by the court to approve the file-sharing service's sale to German media company Bertelsmann A.G. by today (Sept. 3) would force it to cease operations immediately, Billboard Bulletin reports. Bertelsmann, whose offer of $100 million for the Redwood City, Calif.-based service's assets includes more than $90 million in loans, has said that it will rescind the offer after today.

<a href="http:// "target="_blank">BILLBOARD
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Topic: 911 - on September 3, 2002 at 6:29:43 PM CEST
The Fake 9-11 Hit on the Pentagon
As everyone knows, on 11 September, less than an hour after the attack on the World Trade Centre, an airplane collided with the Pentagon. The Associated Press first reported that a booby-trapped truck had caused the explosion. The Pentagon quickly denied this. The official US government version of events still holds. Here's a little game for you: Take a look at these photographs and try to find evidence to corroborate the official version. It's up to you to Hunt the Boeing!

<a href=""target="_blank">Take me 2 the questions
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Topic: - on September 3, 2002 at 6:03:18 PM CEST
Experts: Iraq has tons of chemical weapons
As some in the Bush administration press the case for a pre-emptive strike against Iraq, weapons experts say there is mounting evidence that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has amassed large stocks of chemical and biological weapons he is hiding from a possible U.S. military attack.

<a href="http:// "target="_blank">CNN
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Topic: - on September 3, 2002 at 5:58:35 PM CEST
Girl to get tracker implant to ease parents' fears
The parents of an 11-year-old girl are to take the extraordinary step of having her fitted with a microchip so that her movements can be traced if she is abducted. Danielle Duval will have the device implanted in her arm in the next few months, the scientist assisting the plan claimed yesterday. The miniature chip will apparently send a signal via a mobile phone network to a computer, which will be able to pinpoint her location on an electronic map.
<a href=""target="_blank">THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD
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Topic: FUN - on September 3, 2002 at 4:36:49 PM CEST
War Ihre Frau etwa allein im Urlaub...?
So läuft es: „Die Anmache ist straff organisiert. Schon bei der Anreise wurde aufgeteilt, wer welche Frau anbaggert. Wir haben extra die Vereinigung WPA. Das heißt: ‚Wir poppen alle‘.“
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Topic: - on September 3, 2002 at 4:07:35 PM CEST
Gourmet burglars enjoy Austrian feast
"They ate a whole kilo of bread and my best sausages," he was quoted as saying in the Austrian tabloid Kronen.
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Topic: - on September 3, 2002 at 3:45:21 PM CEST
Ecstasy not dangerous, say scientists
Three leading psychologists have provoked an outcry by claiming that the dance drug ecstasy may not be dangerous and that some of its ill-effects may be imaginary.
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Topic: NATURE - on September 3, 2002 at 3:38:21 PM CEST
NASA Study Finds Rapid Changes In Earth's Polar Ice Sheets
ONCE AGAIN "Earth's polar ice sheets are changing over relatively short time scales, that is, decades versus thousands of years," Rignot said. Thomas added that today's more precise, widespread measurements tell us rapid changes are common. "These observations run counter to much accepted wisdom about ice sheets, which, lacking modern observational capabilities, was largely based on 'steady-state' assumptions," Thomas said.
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Topic: - on September 3, 2002 at 3:21:41 PM CEST
Herd Of Sheep Die Gorging On Corn
A bizarre accident killed 34 sheep in Fort Collins, scientists said over the weekend. The ewes in a Colorado State University research herd apparently broke through an electric fence and gorged themselves on corn in a nearby pasture. Veterinarians say the corn killed them because their bodies aren't used to digesting a lot of grain.
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