Topic: MUSIK - on September 1, 2002 at 10:58:48 PM CEST
The Lionel Hampton Story 1908 - 2002
Eine schöne HP von Hans Bebop. Und schnell war er auch. Hans war ein freund von hamp - das merkt man und das tut gut. V I B E S
<a href=""target="_blank">Take me 2 the STORY
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Topic: LOST FOUND - on September 1, 2002 at 10:48:15 PM CEST
Kit Car : Star Wars Land Speeder
NO RESERVE! This Star Wars Land Speeder was professionally hand made and is absolutely awesome and street legal! This is probably your FIRST and LAST chance EVER to own one of these fun, original crowd-pleasing Star Wars Land Speeders. This full size Land Speeder is absolutely great for promoting business or for fun drives with friends and family. Besides its awesome futuristic looks, what makes this car so fun is that it actually looks like it is hovering or gliding on air, due to the wheel placement.
<a href=""target="_blank">Take me 2 e-bay
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Topic: - on September 1, 2002 at 10:09:35 PM CEST
In October 2002, Sustainable Energy Enterprise Developments Pty. Ltd. will present the ‘Trans-continental Solarcar Challenge 2002 ’ from Perth to Sydney via Port Augusta, Broken Hill and Bathurst. The record for this historic Solarcar event - 4000 kilometres across the Australian continent from Perth to Sydney - stands at 8.5 days set by AURORA Q1 in 1994.
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Topic: - on September 1, 2002 at 8:01:30 PM CEST
Europe supplies world's ecstasy
The statistics reveal the boom in ecstasy production and export from Europe. In 2000, 27.5 million ecstasy tablets were among 10,000 kilos of drugs produced in Europe and seized overseas. In Europe 17m tablets were seized in 2000, 50 per cent more than in 1999.
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Topic: - on September 1, 2002 at 7:57:43 PM CEST
Joerg Haider Withdraws From Politics
L E I D E R NEIN NO NOT THRUE ERROR LUSTIG DAS SCHEINT ÜBER The Associated Press 8/30/02 8:24 PM gelaufen zu sein. VIENNA, Austria –– Joerg Haider, the former leader of Austria's far-right Freedom Party, announced Friday that he was withdrawing from national politics because of differences with party members. A long-simmering rift between Haider, the governor of Carinthia, and Susanne Riess-Passer, party chief and vice chancellor in the governing coalition, has sharpened this week over the issue of tax reform which was designed to benefit low-income groups.
Die <a href=""target="_blank">NEUE ZÜRICHER ZEITUNG fragt sich:
Is There Politics Without Haider? ABER SICHER.
Auch der <a href=""target="_blank">SPIEGEL will es so:
Haider verspricht endgültigen Abgang
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Topic: - on September 1, 2002 at 7:06:53 PM CEST
Der König ist tot, es lebe der König
WIEN – Ein zerknirschter Jörg Haider kann einfach nicht überzeugen. Er sei «tief enttäuscht» von seiner Partei und ziehe sich zurück, sagte der österreichische Rechtspopulist gestern im Radio. Heute begannen die Spekulationen über seine Rückkehr.

Far right's Haider quitting politics Items compiled from Tribune news services Published September 1, 2002
VIENNA, AUSTRIA -- Joerg Haider, the former leader of Austria's far-right Freedom Party, announced Friday that he was withdrawing from national politics because of differences with party members. A long-simmering rift between Haider, the governor of Carinthia, and Susanne Riess-Passer, party chief and vice chancellor in the governing coalition, had sharpened last week over the issue of tax reforms designed to benefit low-income groups. Haider, 52, was party leader from 1986 to 2000. He has attracted strong criticism at home and abroad for his anti-immigrant stance and for remarks deemed anti-Semitic. In 1991, he publicly praised the Third Reich for its employment policy. After massive floods in Austria last month, the government said it would no longer be able to pass the tax reform package in 2003, as originally planned. Haider sharply criticized that decision, arguing that the government should fulfill its promise to voters to pass the laws on schedule.
Copyright © 2002, Chicago Tribune
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Topic: - on September 1, 2002 at 6:51:41 PM CEST
Kakaopreis verdoppelt: Schokolade wird teurer
Nach massiven Preiserhöhungen für Rohkakao müssen die Konsumenten damit rechnen, dass Schokolade teurer wird.
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Topic: - on September 1, 2002 at 5:54:50 PM CEST
Ausserirdische in Graz gelandet ?
Gestern Nacht haben Grazer Polizeibeamte die Leiche einer 48-jährigen Frau gefunden: Der Lebensgefährte der Frau dürfte bereits wochenlang neben der toten Frau gelebt haben.
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Topic: - on September 1, 2002 at 4:39:18 AM CEST
Was kann die Maschine?
Rechner werden immer schneller, Roboter immer beweglicher. Mit der Sonderschau "Computer.Gehirn" stellte das Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum die neuen Kunstwesen auf den Prüfstand.

<a href=""target="blank">Hier gehts zum Computerhirn
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Topic: NATURE - on September 1, 2002 at 4:30:02 AM CEST
Pole verändern sich im Zeitraffertempo
Die Eisdecke an den Polen verändert sich nach neuen Erkenntnissen der US-Raumfahrtbehörde Nasa schneller als bisher vermutet. Die Konsequenzen für das Weltklima und die Meeresspiegel sind nicht absehbar.

<a href=""target="blank">Hier gehts zum Pol
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Topic: - on September 1, 2002 at 4:27:46 AM CEST
Eine Mutation trennt Mensch und Affe
Im Genlabor haben sich Forscher an den Ursprung der Sprache herangetastet. Offenbar brachte innerhalb der letzten 200.000 Jahre eine schicksalhafte Mutation den Menschen zum Reden.

<a href=""target="blank">Hier gehts zur Geschichte
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Topic: - on September 1, 2002 at 4:22:22 AM CEST
Kopien an der Wurzel Ausrotten!
Schon wieder ein neuer CD-Kopierschutz: Die Kopiersperre "Root" verschlüsselt alle Daten auf der CD und legt den Schlüssel in einem Bereich ab, in den Brenner nicht schreiben können -- sagen zumindest die Hersteller.
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