Topic: SNIPER - on April 7, 2003 at 1:55:56 PM CEST
Sniper Suspect Bragged to Police
Washington-area sniper suspect Lee Boyd Malvo bragged about his shooting prowess, taunted investigators and said he shot some victims in the head for horrific effect, according to a newspaper report.
The story in The Washington Post, prepared for Sunday editions, was based on partial transcripts of Malvo's taped remarks to investigators and a memo that summarizes parts of the interview after Malvo's arrest.
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Topic: - on November 10, 2002 at 2:00:48 PM CET
Sources Say Malvo Disclosed Firing Gun
The teenager accused of participating in the sniper attacks that terrorized the Washington region has told investigators that he pulled the trigger in several of the shootings, three law enforcement sources said yesterday.
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Topic: - on November 1, 2002 at 10:43:07 AM CET
On-Line Sniper Training
As a service to its readers and for instructional purposes only, Sniper Country provides on-line adjuncts to sniper/countersniper training. This information is based upon the U.S. Army's sniper training programs at Ft. Benning's Sniper School and Ft. Bragg's Special Operations Target Interdiction Course. The primary authors are a current duty-slotted sniper with his own web page, Sniper's Paradise, Dave Reed, Sniper Country's founder and a former Army Ranger sniper, and a retired Army instructor.
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Topic: - on November 1, 2002 at 9:59:31 AM CET
Sniper rifle tied to Louisiana killing
Louisiana is the fourth state to file charges against John Allen Muhammad, 41, and John Lee Malvo, 17, and possible links between them and a fatal shooting in Washington state are being investigated, according to authorities. They also face federal charges and charges in the District of Columbia.
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Topic: - on October 30, 2002 at 1:24:13 PM CET
Sniper Suspect May Have Been Exposed to Chemicals Linked to Gulf War Syndrome
The alleged Washington sniper, John Allen Muhammad, may have been exposed to chemical weapons that have been linked to Gulf War Syndrome, an illness which experts said can result in unexplained bouts of intense violence. Muhammad, arrested early Thursday as a prime suspect in the Washington area shootings, served with the Army's 84th Engineer Company during the Persian Gulf War, military officers said.
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Topic: - on October 27, 2002 at 6:40:33 PM CET
Musings on the Moose
Chief Moose Fan Club
Why the popularity of 'The Moose'? I sit here, literally half-a-world away, musing on why Chief Charles Moose of the Montgomery County Police Force caused me to start this site ( with a little help from my friends of course ). Is it his understated charisma, his steely resolve or his way with words (duck in a noose anyone ?). For me it's all of these things.
BTW is taken
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Topic: - on October 27, 2002 at 12:40:02 PM CET
Feed your desire for serial killer knowledge
Any historical survey of serial murder would have to begin at least as far back as ancient Rome, when the Emperor Caligula was busily indulging his taste for torture and perversion. During the Middle Ages, depraved Aristocrats like Gilles de Rais (the original "Bluebeard") and Elizabeth Bathory (the "Blood Countess") fed their unholy lusts on the blood of hundreds of victims, while psychopathic peasants like Gilles Ganier and Peter Stubbe butchered their victims with such bestial ferocity that they were believed to be literal werewolves.
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Topic: - on October 27, 2002 at 12:36:14 PM CET
Just 16 Men
More than 1,000 law enforcement officials were involved in the serial sniper case, but as Moose issued the list he spoke — apparently from the heart — of the cooperation within the leadership team of 16.
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Topic: - on October 26, 2002 at 12:25:24 PM CEST
Sniper Letter to Police Found Near Killing Site in
Ashland, Va.
Text transcribed from a letter found near the Ashland, Va., Ponderosa restaurant where a man was shot and wounded Oct. 19.
2 stars) For you Mr. Police "Call me God" Do not release to the Press (3 stars)
For you Mr. Police "Call me God." Do not release to the press We have tried to contact you to start negotiation, But the incompitence of your forces in
(i) Mongomery Police "Officer Derick" at 240-773-5000 Friday. (ii) Rockville Police Dept. "female officer" at 301-309-3100. (iii) Task force "FBI" "female" at 1888-324-8800 (four times) (iv) priest at ashland (v) CNN Washington DC at (blacked out) These people took of call for a Hoax or Joke, so your failure to respond has cost you five lives. If stopping the killing is more important than catching us now, then you will accept our demand which are non-negotiable. (i) You will place ten million dollar in Bank of america account no. (blacked out) Pin no. (blacked out) activation date (blacked out) Exp. date (blacked out)
Name: (blacked out) member since (blacked out) Platinum Visa Account
We will have unlimited withdrawl at any atm world-wide. You will activate the bank account, credit card, and Pin number. We will contact you at Ponderosa (asland, VA) Buffet tel (pound sign): (blacked out) 6:00 am Sunday morning. You have until 9:00 a.m. Monday morning to complete transaction.
"Try to catch us withdrawing at least you will have less body bags."
(ii) If trying to catch us now more important then prepare you body bags.
If we give you our word that is what takes place
"Word is Bond."
P.S. your children are not safe anywhere at any time.

¬> Faksimile
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Topic: - on October 26, 2002 at 12:04:34 PM CEST
Road sign in Montgomery County
Maryland thanks police chief Charles Moose October 25, 2002, who lead the task force in the Washington, DC area sniper case.
¬> Reuters
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Topic: - on October 25, 2002 at 7:16:40 PM CEST
Snipermobile was pulled over by cops on Oct. 2 and Oct. 3
On 2 October, officers from Montgomery County - the force leading the massive manhunt - stopped the car as it was driven by Muhammad, 42, but let it go without searching it. The next day - when four people were killed by the sniper in Montgomery County and one in Washington DC at night - police in the capital again stopped the car but did not have enough cause to arrest Muhammad or search the vehicle.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Evening Standard
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Topic: - on October 25, 2002 at 7:02:46 PM CEST
Closing the net: How they cracked the case
After a 22-day waking nightmare that saw deadly sniper attacks turn the gas stations and shopping malls of the Washington suburbs into a killing field, D.C.-area residents can once again sleep soundly.
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