"Nur auf den Hausmeister in uns hören?"

In der "Welt" dankt Rafik Schami dem Westen (außer Deutschland) für das Libyen-Engagement, und der Japanologe Reinhard Zöllner ist fassungslos über die deutsche Reaktion auf die japanische Katastrophe. Im "Tagesspiegel" wendet sich Gerhard Schulze gegen Ulrich Becks Begriff der "Risikogesellschaft".


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Brains around the world

Brains around the world

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Unabomber’s Montana Property For Sale

The property where the Unabomber lived during his bombing campaign is for sale.

The 1.4-acre parcel once owned by mail bomber and recluse Ted Kaczynski in Lincoln, Montana, is on the market for $69,500, a local real estate agent announced this week.

“Own a piece of infamous U.S. history!” the listing says. “This is a one-of-a-kind property and is obviously very secluded.”


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Large Hadron Collider Game

The Large Hadron Collider is a complex machine and they need you to help them with some final adjustments.

Large Hadron Collider Game


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US-Physiker Wheeler gestorben

Er hat dem Schwarzen Loch seinen Namen gegeben und war einer der größten Physiker seiner Zeit. Jetzt ist John Archibald Wheeler im Alter von 96 Jahren gestorben.

Wheeler erlag am Sonntag in seinem Haus in Hightstown (US- Bundesstaat New Jersey) den Folgen einer Lungenentzündung, sagte seine Tochter Alison Wheeler Lahnston der "New York Times". Wheeler galt als einer der herausragenden theoretischen Physiker des 20. Jahrhunderts. Er arbeitete mit Albert Einstein und Niels Bohr zusammen und hatte großen Einfluss auf die Entwicklung der Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie. 1939 entwickelte er gemeinsam mit Bohr ein Modell zur Erklärung der Kernspaltung.


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Schwächen des RFID-Systems Mifare Classic bestätigt

Der Betreiber des landesweiten Bezahlsystems für den Niederländischen Nahverkehr, Trans Link Systems (TLS), hat Auszüge einer zuvor geheim gehaltenen Sicherheitsanalyse des drahtlosen Bezahlsystems Mifare Classic veröffentlicht. Darin kommen die Analysten der niederländischen TNO zu dem Ergebnis, dass sowohl die Ende vergangenen Jahres bekannt gewordenen Schwachstellen als auch die beschriebenen Angriffe nachvollziehbar seien. Mifare Classic ist das derzeit wohl am weitesten verbreitete RFID-Bezahlsystem. Insbesondere in Mensen und als berührungslose Fahr- und Zugangskarten sind die Chips nach Schätzungen weltweit bereits milliardenfach im Einsatz.

24C3 - Mifare security


heise.de wikipedia.org

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Creepily lifelike CGI woman

I've got no idea what the story is with this awesome CGI Flash woman, except that she appears to have been created by a Brazilian design firm, and that she has made every person I've shown her to say, "Oh. My. God."

Creepily lifelike CGI woman


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Zen and the art of piano-burning

Famed Japanese jazz pianist Yosuke Yamashita has expressed his burning passion for music by setting his piano on fire.

At a sunset performance on at beach in Ishikawa Prefecture, western Japan, the 66-year-old Yamashita, wearing a firefighter's uniform, recently played an improvised jazz piece before about 500 spectators seated in a wide semicircle around him.

No sooner had he begun playing, the piano burst into performance for a full ten minutes before all the strings were burnt out or snapped and the piano went quiet.


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Etta Hulme


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Germany Wants to Spy on Suspects Via Web

German officials on Friday defended a proposal to use "Trojan horse" software to secretly monitor potential terror suspects' hard drives, amid fierce debate over whether the measures violate civil liberties.

Interior Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble wants to include the measure in a broader security law being considered by conservative Chancellor Angela Merkel's coalition government.

wired.com mercurynews.com bbc.co.uk

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Cory Doctorow, on BoingBoing and the EFF [mp3]

Cory Doctorow is a popular science fiction author and co-editor of the high-profile blog, BoingBoing. His novels are given away for free on the Internet as Creative Commons-licensed downloads. They can be freely shared, and in some cases, remixed or translated and sold in developing countries. Perhaps surprisingly, this has led to good sales in the real world.

He is former Director of European Affairs for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a technology advocacy nonprofit that works to upload liberty in technology law, policy and standards.

podtech.net [mp3]

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Video: Army Flying Saucer

The U.S. Army would like to have a fleet of robotic flying saucers -- and it's given a British company a contract to try to build some UFO-like prototypes.


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