Sunday, 31. July 2016

Wikileaks tiefer Fall: Antisemitismus, Terrorclips, Doxxing

Die Plattform verliert immer weiter an Zustimmung, auch weil es zusehends um die Person Julian Assange geht In den vergangenen zwei Wochen durfte sich die Enthüllungsplattform Wikileaks über eine starke Präsenz in den Medien freuen. Die Plattform publizierte interne E-Mails der US-Demokraten und der türkischen Regierungspartei AKP, die auf breites Echo in sozialen Medien stießen. Doch beide Enthüllungen hatten einen Haken: Die E-Mails der AKP waren inhaltlich banal, enthielten jedoch Links auf Wählerverzeichnisse mit heiklen Daten von Bürgern. Wikileaks hatte so effektiv Millionen Türken "gedoxxt", wie der Fachausdruck für den Verrat persönlicher Informationen im Netz heißt. Das führte etwa zu einer wütenden Anklage der Forscherin und Kolumnistin Zeynep Tufekci, die Wikileaks gar vorwarf, "Türkinnen in Gefahr zu bringen".

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Article — From the August 1941 issue Who Goes Nazi?

It is an interesting and somewhat macabre parlor game to play at a large gathering of one’s acquaintances: to speculate who in a showdown would go Nazi. By now, I think I know. I have gone through the experience many times—in Germany, in Austria, and in France. I have come to know the types: the born Nazis, the Nazis whom democracy itself has created, the certain-to-be fellow-travelers. And I also know those who never, under any conceivable circumstances, would become Nazis. It is preposterous to think that they are divided by any racial characteristics. Germans may be more susceptible to Nazism than most people, but I doubt it. Jews are barred out, but it is an arbitrary ruling. I know lots of Jews who are born Nazis and many others who would heil Hitler tomorrow morning if given a chance. There are Jews who have repudiated their own ancestors in order to become “Honorary Aryans and Nazis”; there are full-blooded Jews who have enthusiastically entered Hitler’s secret service. Nazism has nothing to do with race and nationality. It appeals to a certain type of mind.

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The Details About the CIA's Deal With Amazon

A $600 million computing cloud built by an outside company is a "radical departure" for the risk-averse intelligence community.

The intelligence community is about to get the equivalent of an adrenaline shot to the chest. This summer, a $600 million computing cloud developed by Amazon Web Services for the Central Intelligence Agency over the past year will begin servicing all 17 agencies that make up the intelligence community. If the technology plays out as officials envision, it will usher in a new era of cooperation and coordination, allowing agencies to share information and services much more easily and avoid the kind of intelligence gaps that preceded the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. For the first time, agencies within the intelligence community will be able to order a variety of on-demand computing and analytic services from the CIA and National Security Agency. What’s more, they’ll only pay for what they use.

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Marijuana Snake Oil: Six Marijuana Scams To Avoid

As a cannabis business attorney, I see and hear more than my share of kooky and downright bad business pitches. Bad business ideas are one thing, but total scams and rip-offs are another. Unfortunately, like any new and high growth industry with complicated and constantly changing rules and regulations, the marijuana industry is chalk full of scammers and con artists.

The following six marijuana scams are the ones I am seeing most often of late.

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