Thursday, 3. May 2012

Chinese cable car operators banning youngsters from having mid-air sex

Operators of a Chinese cable car are cracking down on couples, who are born in the 90's, in an attempt to bust mid-air romps.

A gondola ride in Henan Province in China has reportedly compelled the local authorities to erect a sign banning people from having sex while riding on the cable car carriages.

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Finally, a Shark With a Laser

Relax, Dr Evil. Your inspired request for “sharks with frickin’ laser beams attached” has finally been fulfilled in the real world.

Marine biologist-cum-TV personality Luke Tipple attached a 50-milliwatt green laser to a lemon shark off the coast of the Bahamas in late April. The escapade was sponsored by Wicked Lasers, a consumer-focused laser manufacturer based in Hong Kong that produces some of the most brilliant — and potentially dangerous — handheld lasers in the world.

Shark With a Laser

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1Gbps Wireless Network Made With Red and Green Laser Pointers

Back in the olden days, when WiFi and Bluetooth were just a glimmer in the eye of IEEE, another short-range wireless communications technology ruled supreme: Infrared Data Association, or IrDA for short. IrDA was awful; early versions were only capable of kilobit-per-second speeds, and only over a distance of a few feet. Trying to get my laptop and mobile phone to link up via IrDA was, to date, one of the worst tech experiences I've ever had. There's a lot to be said for light-based communications, though. For a start, visible (and invisible) light has a frequency of between 400 and 800THz (800 and 375nm), which is unlicensed spectrum worldwide. Second, in cases where you really don't want radio interference, such as hospitals, airplanes, and other sensitive environments, visible light communication (VLC), or free-space optical communication, is really rather desirable. Now researchers at the National Taipei University of Technology in Taiwan have transmitted data using lasers — not high-powered, laboratory-dwelling lasers; handheld, AAA-battery laser pointers. A red and green laser pointer were used, each transmitting a stream of data at 500Mbps, which is then multiplexed at the receiver for a grand total of 1Gbps."

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Security Threat Report 2012

Over the past year we in the IT security industry have seen a growing awareness of the work we do.

In 2011, a number of highly visible cyberattacks made news headlines around the world, but the underlying problem affects us all. It seems that the cybercriminals are getting bolder in their attacks as the availability of commercial tools makes mass generation of new malicious code campaigns and exploits easier. The net result has been significant growth in volume of malware and infections.

And for 2012, I anticipate growing sophistication in web-borne attacks, even broader use of mobile and smart devices, and rapid adoption of cloud computing bringing new security challenges.

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Vorratsdatenspeicherung - Prominente Unterstützung für Verfassungklage

Eva Glawischnig, Robert Menasse und „Facebook-Kläger“ Max Schrems unterzeichneten Verfassungsbeschwerde gegen Vorratsdatenspeicherung.

Grünen-Bundessprecherin Eva Glawischnig ist am Mittwoch mit prominenten Unterstützern gegen die Vorratsdatenspeicherung aufgetreten. Gemeinsam mit dem Schriftsteller Robert Menasse und „Facebook-Kläger“ Max Schrems unterzeichnete sie vor Journalisten eine Vollmacht für eine Verfassungsklage. „Ich habe etwas zu verbergen, nämlich mein Privatleben, meine Intimsphäre“, begründete Glawischnig den Schritt.


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Spy-High: Amateur Astronomers Scour the Sky for Government Secrets

As consumer telescopes and techniques improve, will there be implications for national security?

Earlier this year Iran's defense minister put the world on notice: His nation had developed the ability to "easily" watch spacewalking astronauts from the ground. The announcement was largely ignored, in part because it made the minister sound like a James Bond villain. The boast was also a bit anticlimactic, given that even amateur astronomers are already recording in detail what happens in low Earth orbit. Both the technology involved and the techniques used to observe satellites and even the occasional astronaut perched outside the International Space Station (ISS) are improving, much to the presumed chagrin of governments looking to keep certain on orbital activity confidential.

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Legalität als letzter Ausweg - Machen wir Frieden mit den Drogen

Zehntausende Tote hat der Krieg gegen die Kartelle gekostet. Und trotzdem ist er gescheitert. Was, wenn man den Stoff einfach kaufen könnte?

Vor vierzig Jahren ging los, was Richard Nixon, damals Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten, den „Krieg gegen die Drogen“ nannte - und weil man ein Pfund Heroin nicht erschießen kann, richteten sich die Kampfhandlungen gegen all die Menschen, die mit den Drogen in Berührung kamen: gegen jene, die diese Drogen nahmen, vor allem die Süchtigen in den Slums der großen Städte; gegen alle, die mit den Drogen handelten, gegen die kleinen Dealer und die großen Händler; gegen die Schmuggler, die Kuriere, die Produzenten. Gegen die Leute, die Crystal Meth kochten, gegen die Chemiker, die Rohopium zu Heroin veredelten. Gegen die Mohnpflanzer in Afghanistan und gegen die Cocabauern im südamerikanischen Hochland. Und wenn es schon sinnlos war, auf Drogen zu schießen, so konnte man doch die Mohnfelder und Cocaplantagen aus der Luft zerstören, mit Gift, mit Bomben, mit schwerem militärischem Gerät.

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Kiffen gegen die Schmerzen

Kalifornien ist mal wieder weiter als andere: Dort dürfen Menschen Marihuana konsumieren, wenn es ihrer Gesundheit dient. Ein Vorbild auch für Deutschland? Vor der Tür stehen drei Sicherheitsleute mit Sonnenbrille und Waffe. Noch mal zwei direkt an der Tür. Dann ein Metalldetektor, an dem sich die Kunden mit einer Patient Identification Card ausweisen müssen. Hinter dem Metalldetektor schließlich öffnet sich die lichte Verkaufshalle mit bodentiefen Fenstern und 20 Überwachungskameras an den Decken. Eine Mischung aus H&M und Club-Lounge, mit hellen Bastteppichen ausgelegt. Dazwischen braune Läufer, die zu einem der neun gläsernen Verkaufstresen führen. Unter den blank polierten Glasscheiben das Sortiment: 36 verschiedene Marihuana-Sorten, in Schälchen aufgereiht. Darüber 38 Edelsteindöschen mit braunen Haschisch-Krümeln, das Stück ab 35 Dollar. Außerdem Marihuana-Seife, Shampoos, sieben Sorten Cannabis-Schokolade, fertig gedrehte Joints, Karamellbonbons. Willkommen im Harborside Health Center, der größten Marihuana-Apotheke in der Region San Francisco.

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Two Costa del Sol drug operations recover 3,200 kilos of hashish

More than 3,200 kilos of hashish has been recovered in two swoops in Estepona and Nerja.

Agents from the Agencia Tributaria recovered 1,860 kilos in Nerja, and the Guardia Civil seized 1,350 kilos in Estepona.

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Robbery victim: "He took my weed and took my rent money"

Police are looking for three suspects in an armed robbery just off the campus of the University of Maryland in College Park.

It happened shortly before 1pm in the 8300 block of Curry Place in Adelphi. The neighborhood is less than a mile from the College Park campus. Three current and two former University of Maryland students live in the home that was hit. Police say three masked men came in through an open door.

After they left, one of the residents called 911.

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The Illusion of Choice

Bow down to your corporate overlords! You don't know who they are? Just click on the picture below to see the few companies that own most of the products on which you rely, and then ask yourself what kind of freedom you have when so much of your choices depends on stuff going on behind the curtains inconspicuously serving the interests of corporate greed...

Illusion of choice

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